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  1. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Yorkshire UK
    Thanked 45 Times in 29 Posts
    Hank has just started eating properly about 3 days ago. He's not a big eater, but maybe that will change as he gets more comfortable.

    We feed him Royal Canin Kitten 36 biscuits mixed with wet food at about 7.00 am ( he does not like dry food on his own, and the breeder told us that he was not keen on it before anyway). I was a bit miffed that I didnt buy the Maine Coon range, but hey, I guess it's just as good. I will do though as soon as he's finished with this pack.

    He loves the Whiskas in Jelly Kitten Pouches. Then at about lunch time we give him some raw mince sometimes mixed with biscuits again.

    5.00 pm more kitten food. But we also leave biscuits for him to munch on during the day.

    He's also starting to ask for more food at about 7.00. But he's such a nibbler that it seems like were feeding him more than we should. But he drinks loads tho and spill loads too! Lol.

    Irish Kitty: he has been given some kitten treats for his skin and coat
    Which ones do you give him hun??
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