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  1. #11

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    Never, ever cook chicken with bones. The bones turn hard and can puncture the inside of the cat. This can kill them!!!!! If you feed a cat something with bones inside, be sure to give it absolutely raw.
    Kittens need to be able to eat throughout the whole day. The extra's you can give them regardless. They need to grow a lot so they need food. If they like to eat the adult food, it's oke. When I have kittens they have acces to dried food, kitten variety. After a while you notice the mum and all other cats in the house eat the kittenfood and the kitten is having the adult food.
    So, with more cats in the house it's no problem to only put the adult food. The Maine Coon is a big cat and growing slowly. If one is staying behind in growth perhaps it will be bigger after a year. It differs from cat to cat, even when they are brother and sister. Always remember it will take them about 3-4 years to reach their final weight and hight.

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  3. #12
    Happy Kitten
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    I also ask for help about this argue. Mellow is 7 months old and weighs 5.8 kg (if I've coverted well, should be 12.8 lb). He has always one bowl full of Orjen dry cat food, and another one in which I put (how to say in english???) damp food... I give him a tin a day (100gr total that should be 0.22 lb) of "enova" food, made in Italy, half in the morning and half in the evening.
    Is too much? Or not?
    I'm trying to do everything possible to make this post understandable!!!

  4. #13
    Elite Cat
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    hey just seen this thread lol
    i did not know cats were allowed raw meats or tuna! i know they can have tuna in very small ammounts never for a kitten but not alot as it causes a sore tummy?

    what raw meats am i allowed to give them?

  5. #14
    Ãœber Cat
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    The males in general get quite a bit bigger than the females, so they will definitely eat more.

    The breeder of our 6mos old male kept one of his sisters. She just told me that the girl is around 8lbs, whereas our male is over 10lbs now (but a girl from another litter is even a bit bigger than our male).

    When we got our male that is 18mos now, he would eat an entire 3oz. can of wet cat food first thing in the morning (that was at around 18 weeks). I had never seen a cat eat like that--just like most dogs--wolfing down his bowl of food. Unfortunately, since we have dry food out all day, it is really difficult to know how much any one eats During growth spurts, this male has probably eaten as much as 4 3oz cans and a very substantial amount of dry food in a day. Both males are much heartier eaters than our females ever were. The 6mos old comes and eats meat every single time any of the other three are fed. A couple of times, he has eaten to the point that he has actually thrown up when he got too athletic right afterwards (they eat dry, drink water, then the dry food swells). We could not fathom how he could have had that much food inside him!

    As long as your kittens continue to grow, are playful, etc., I wouldn't worry too much about the male eating more. Also, some cats seem to prefer dry food while others prefer wet. One of our females eats way less meat than any of the other cats. We do keep track of her "output" periodically, though, so we know she gets plenty of food.

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  7. #15
    Ãœber Cat
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    Just to help with my last food cans in the US generally come in two sizes: 3oz/85g and 5.5oz/156g. Generally we use the smaller cans (many brands come only in the smaller size). One problem with larger cans is that many cats do not like to eat food cold right out of the refrigerator (only one of our four seems to have no issue with that).

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to mcguy For This Useful Post:

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  9. #16
    Ãœber Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marty.Mellow View Post
    I also ask for help about this argue. Mellow is 7 months old and weighs 5.8 kg (if I've coverted well, should be 12.8 lb). He has always one bowl full of Orjen dry cat food, and another one in which I put (how to say in english???) damp food... I give him a tin a day (100gr total that should be 0.22 lb) of "enova" food, made in Italy, half in the morning and half in the evening.
    Is too much? Or not?
    That is a good size, so you must be doing fine. 100g per day of wet food is not much for a male growing that fast, but as long as he has plenty of high protein dry (and plenty of water), it does not really matter. Our older male certainly ate much more wet food than that each day at that age, but he begged for it, and not all cats are as excited by the wet food. In some sense it is just a very expensive way to get fluids into them (cans say moisture max is like 70+%).

  10. #17
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    I have often wondered if we are feeding Chester enough or too much. He is just over 4 months old and is almost 3kg. He eats in a day:

    Breakfast: 1/5 pouch of whiskas
    a 'palm' sized portion of raw beef or kangaroo mince

    Snacks: MC kitten 36

    Dinner: Same as breakfast

    Snacks: biscuits.

    We don't let him graze or he eats too many biscuits and then he sometimes gets an upset stomach from gorging!

  11. #18
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Don't worry

    Don't worry it's natural some cat(she) sometime eat lesser than other Cats(he),it's not about eating lesser or he/she(cats).if your pet is healthy and active,do participate in physical activities then there is nothing to worry.

    __________________________________________________ __

    Animal Hosptial Lexington KY and Grooming Lexington KY.

  12. #19
    The Quiet Kitten
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    I do have fudge the girls are 5mths now 2 whole cooked chicken (no bones) lasts them 4 days RC dry is down all day dry will last another few weeks, before I need more ,bought 8kg when collected them, fresh fish , ham off the bone fudge can"t have tuna

  13. #20
    Elite Cat
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    I was just wondering about this this morning when I was feeding Schrodinger.

    Yesterday I weighed how much dry food we put down as I'd noticed that he's started to eat the dry food more (he usually ignored it to be honest) and a bowl full is approx 100g.

    His feeding plan is as follows:

    In the morning he gets just over a 1/3 of a tin (410g tin) of Bozita and the same again at tea time (just as were getting our food) and we leave the dry out so he can graize. The dry food were using is the Porta 21 Feline Finest Sensible.

    Now when we woke up this morning he'd eaten nearly all the dry food aswell, so in total he's eaten (approx.) 4/5th of a tin of Bozita and nearly 100g of dry.

    I know Maine Coons eat you out of house and home but is this normal? To be honest i'm quite shocked at how much he's packing away, i weighed him yesterday aswell and he's gained about 100 grams (2.9kg's) in about a week since his vet visit and i'm not sure if its just me but he does seem longer since we got him.

    Anyhoo, my question here is, is this normal and to be expected, if not should we remove his dry food bowl during the day to stop him from hoovering everything up or maybe put less dry food down?


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