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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
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    Thinking of getting a Maine Coon...

    Hello there.

    I've recently had an offer accepted on a house and it has a garden, which is excellent news as I have always wanted one AND it means I can finally get a cat.

    I've not personally owned one before but love cats, have been around them much of my life and love the sound of Maine Coons. I will be at work most of the day during the week, so I wondered if any of you experts out there could let me know if firstly, it's a good idea getting a Maine Coon and also, any tips or hints.

    Oh and by the way, I'm in the UK. London.

    Thanks in advance guys.

  2. #2
    Happy Kitten
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post

    I became a Maine Coon owner last month. For sure, more experienced members will give you a better advice, but I am not sure that a Coonie is a great idea if you are out for so many hours a day. I am home 24/7 (I am a DL uni student) and we only left our kitten alone for four hours once (to go shopping), she was very upset when we were back. Maybe Sif is a lovely, sweet and needy MC kitten I don't know but given that they are lively cats, you could go home and find that your kitten even attacked wallpaper lol (Sif hates the wallpaper in the hallway and not much of it will make through the winter unscathed I guess lol).

    I never let her out in the garden, I keep her as an indoor cat. To be honest, I don't know many MC owners who let their kittens in the garden if they have no enclosures, it depends where you live.
    Last edited by SifTheWarrior; 8th September 2014 at 01:55 PM. Reason: Edited to add part



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