I had a kittens inquiry back in the 70s, this couple wanted 2 boys not for breeding but for pets, I let them go to hem as they seemed like as nice couple, I was not aware at this time of their views..
They refused point blank to have they neutered stating it was not natural, and cats in the wild lived okay with this?? both boys lived in the house most of the time with access to the garden , she said she always kept an eye on them and they would never roam, both boys got killed on the road, granted they where 7 and 9 when this happened but I felt it was just boys doing what boys do looking for a mate as both boys where found dead a long way away.
Neither boy fought with the other though, but they did spray all over the house.
I now have all my entire boys living as a colony they do not fight, they do not spray as they already know there own pecking order with out a fight and or the need for spraying.
They play and enjoy each others company and they go out side in the runs together and chase, but they can not get free so this is a little different, and they are here for a purpose, and will be neutered when they are no longer working, and I chose to live with the pungent smell, lol.... but not sure I would want it in a pet when there is no need.
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