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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
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    problems with other cat?

    New to the forum. Not sure where to ask this q. Our maine coon came into our hsehold joining our 14 yr old really much smaller cat. I think Bowie is just wanting a playmate, but he is so big and active he terrorizes the poor old lady. If he chases and catches her, which he does when we aren't paying attention....he just hovers on top of her. We separate them if no people are home as we are afraid he may really hurt her unintentionally. (he is so good natured I really don't think he means to hurt her) Any suggestions on how to handle this? How do these cats do with medium sized dogs? Is that just an individual thing? I feel like we ought to get another maine coon or a dog so he has someone to chase around etc....Thanks for any advise.




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