Schrödinger finally diagnosed...
It would seem that we finally have had some positive news re Schrodingers runny bum problem from the vet. After having to deal with this every day since he arrived and putting in yet another fecal sample (which was a composite of a number of samples taken over three days) and waiting over two weeks for the results the results came back positive for Tritrichomonas.
The vet, whom had never come across it herself gave me a link of a page on the internet and is going to be consulting a cat specialist to see what can be done for our schrodo and if she can get any medication to treat it.
She did mention that the problem can sometimes solve itself overtime (up to two years it would seem) but that the treatment using ronidazole has seen significant results. I'll await further information and the consult from the specialist before anything is agreed.
Finally we have a name for it and at last we can stop worrying that were giving him the wrong food.
Has anyone here on the forum ever heard of it ? experienced it ? dealt with it ? if so then please do tell.
Additionally, with this coming up he may yet have a temporary reprieve of his castration which was set for next Wednesday, oh and at weigh in today he's currently coming in at 6.5kg's - im not sure his cat tree can take much more abuse as I've had to already knock some nails in it :)
Schrodinger finally diagnosed
I have never heard of this but very interesting,will ask at work if they have come across it if not will have do some googling myself & take info in,so pleased for Schrodinger that he has been diagnosed.I know in the past we have had animals in with that problem & never found out the answer & then suddenly they seem to be ok so if they can outgrow it that would be the reason why but a lot better for all if it is diagnosed & treated early on.As I said in another thread the only thing we have found that caused chronic diarrhoea & couldn't pin point the cause was the simple use of plastic dishes,got rid of those & problem resolved itself.
Isn't it great where information like this can be passed on & help others.....
Schrodinger finally diagnosed
Originally Posted by
Thanks louise and dont worry we will be scouring the internet over the weekend on this. If you do remember what the other treatment you mentioned is could you please post/pm me it.
With schrodo apart from the upheaval of us following him every time he goes to the loo (about three or four times a day it must be said - sometimes more) and checking him/cleaning him when necessary he's a fine, energetic, utterly mad, attention seeking, noise machine.
I've posted some quasi recent pics of him
here which i'll endeavour to upload to the forum this weekend when time permits.
Love the pictures especially the one with the quizical tilt of the mouth,think it was no5,but mum that one of the family jewels full on show was a bit much.....
Schrodinger finally diagnosed
Thanks for the update on Schrodinger,isn't it great that the change in him was so dramatic,just proves that they are aware of things not being as they should even though he really had only ever known going to the toilet that many times a day as part of his life.
Lets hope things haven't reverted completely back to square one by the time you get to the vets & a prolonged course of the tablets will really knock it on the head,fingers crossed for you all & a special cuddle for him....x