At the moment they are wholly indoor cats and they had flea treatment before leaving the breeder. I have Stronghold but I am holding off applying it as it's the "adult" pack for 2.6kg upwards (they are almost there now) but I am brushing and checking almost every day.
I did wonder about the fleas as I have one who reacts badly & scabs up terribly but although she got the scabby nodules around neck she never had them on the throat & weird thing is lots of cats who suffer FAD don't but could be worth applying the Stronghold now Peter just in case.Being indoor cats means nothing you can bring a flea into the household from many sources.I had I always sprayed with a certain product no problems but because of them going into cattery more often at one point a couple of years ago went onto the spot on combo for ease & I had one hell of a flea infestation,as usually happens when a product doesn't seem to work for some reason or the other was treated like a p*** by the company,haven't applied often enough,I had at monthly intervals not the six weeks it can go too,I had applied it wrong,yep could have done,only being doing my animals & other peoples for umpteen years so could have done but think not,do they go outside,yep but only in our garden where they can't get out,ah ah got her on this one,there must have been other cats or hedgehogs in the garden that had fleas & they proved too big a challenge to the product{bearing in mind it was the combo that should put flea on pill so can't reproduce,good aint it}reminded them that my cats can't get out also meant nothing else could get in,including from any gaps under fencing,if hedgehog could get under kittie could get out, did I bath any of mine,yes the show cats but before you say anything they are always left the 48hrs after before applying!!!,then the one I was waiting for,you have MC's don't you well when you went from spraying to the pipettes it wasn't strong enough to cope with the bigger cats,wrong,after checking with my boss & the helpline & the company rep when she called before going over I had made sure that it was ok to go onto small dog size to cover the large weight difference so always had cat for the smaller furries but small dog for the others.Never came up for a reason as to what could have gone wrong & since have had quite a few people have problems with same product,they were good enough to give me free spray but having spent a fortune on pipettes,two lots of sixes both sizes having also to completely fumegate house {by then I was included in the fuming} I was not best pleased so changed onto Stronghold & touch wood no problems since,so moral of this story is be careful when it comes to these little hoppers...
That is also Peter why I suggested you stopped bathing them because if the spots are due to an allergy be it flea or food making them wet can actually make them worse & take longer to heal.....
Fingers still crossed he will be ok by show day,there should be no need for any shaving even if he does end up at the vets you can see all you need too without that.
Thanks. They have not yet had a bath with me yet. I note this from the Stronghold datasheet: "Do not apply when the hair coat is wet. However, shampooing or soaking the animal 2 or more hours after treatment will not reduce the efficacy of Stronghold." Which is good news.
The thing that worries/annoys me is that the other two are fine.
I did check last night and I think the larger nodules (what I think are larger) are getting smaller/dryer. They will get brushed and played with tonight as I have friends over to see them. I will then apply more hibiscrub before bed.
Leo has little scabs
When I did have the problem with fleas only one of the six of mine was affected,this generaly happens in a multi cat household,same as with any allergy,doesn't affect all wether furry or human,I still say though that if it is an allergy you are not helping it by keep wetting it with hibi scrub.If you want to put something on if you know someone with an aloe vera plant get them to break some leaves off & apply the sap direct it works great at drying any scabs up if not just leave them alone to do it naturally,by wetting them you will make them soft they then start drying up & re wetting just keeps you going round in circles,you are really only helping by using it if the places are infected but it doesn't sound as if they are. I didn't put anything on Pansy & her places had dried up & all signs of scabs had gone within the week.
The boys went to the vet today to check their sneezing - which is still ongoing after 3 weeks here - and they have an all clear. Check the environment we agreed with the vet.
Leo's neck thing is "most probably" just rough play and keep an eye on it.
Phew. Daddy feels reassured.
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