Leo has little "scabs" on his neck
One of my three boys, Leo, has a few more scabs on his neck. He started with one on the right on the top of the vertical part. When we went to the vert for his check-up he had a little shaved off and along with some "cat acne" on his chin - which my breeder says is more than likely just a reaction to food left on his chin - this was treated with diluted Hibiscrub. The chin is now fine and I think the original little scab is now OK but he has more on both sides.
Oh, when I say scabs they are more like tiny acne scars not big at all, just hard and almost in two lines, left and right - about 3 or 4 on each.
I suspect this is from rough play and they are little scratches, since he seems to get the worst of the play fighting among the three, but I want to be sure. What else should I worry about ? I just gave him a good "Hibiscrubing" under the neck just now and will continue twice a day again for a few days.
They were all flea treated and wormed before leaving the breeder and they also had their first Miblimex (or whatever) at home this morning.
Advice please...