Low Weight, Frequent Pooping
Hi, I'm new to the forum and I tried to search for existing posts/replies about my question, but it was hard to figure out what search terms to use ;-)
We have a 7 year old Maine Coon male named Sam.
His litter box use/habits are about to drive us crazy. He uses the litter box very frequently, every 30 minutes to an hour sometimes. His poops are very soft, even liquid. Then, of course, he tracks poop and litter all over the house afterwards. This has been going on for several years and the frequent cleanup requirements are driving us crazy and the poor cat seems equally frustrated.
He also is "skin and bones". I can feel every rib and his hip joints are prominent, etc. He probably weighs around 15 to 17 pounds.
We've tried everything we can think of to get his poops more solid and put some weight on him. He has had urine and blood tests with no relevant results, we've switched foods several times and we've even put him on fiber tablets for a while. I'm wondering if this is a breed-specific issue and if anyone has any ideas for us.
Low weight,frequent pooping...
Go to the search box ,make sure the blue dot is in the show threads & type in Schrodinger finally diagnosed.
I know Schrodinger is still a babe but poor ayeizajed was getting very frustrated that nothing could be found out to begin with,hopefully she will pick up on your thread & come back to you.....It may help,I hope so.