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  1. #1
    Elite Cat
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    Darcy' tooth removal thread

    Darcy has been dropped off. We had to wait 45 minutes to check in. The good news is since her chronic diarrhea has stopped she's gained a good amount of weight. She's at 13.2 lbs! YAY Darcy.
    I'm supposed to call their office at 1pm and they'll let me know how she's doing and when I can pick her up (It will be between 3-6) They are putting her under with gas and she'll have post op pain meds. They recommended shutting her in a room while she's recovering so she'll be in my room. On Monday next week she'll go back for a post op check and to get her up to date with her shots (Last ones were last March)
    I'll post a new update on her when I hear something from the vet. They'll call me if when they get in there they find something worse or more teeth then planned need to come out.
    Gabriel was not happy when she was in the carrier this morning. He kept walking around it crying. Poor baby.




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