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  1. #1
    Elite Cat
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    FORLs (Feline Oral Resoptive Lesions)

    My Maine coon has been diagnosed with this as well as with Stomatitis that was caused by this. I wanted to share the information because I had never HEARD of it and it's extremely common in cats. It occurs in older cats and I just wanted to post it here so that it may help someone in the future

    Cats are prone to a serious and very painful dental disease called 'tooth resorption.' This condition was previously referred to as 'feline oral resorptive lesions' (FORLs). Various studies have found 28-67% of cats have tooth resorption. Tooth resorption is the most common cause of tooth loss in the cat.

    Tooth resorption tends to occur in older cats (over 4 years of age) and may be more common in purebred cats, especially Siamese and Abyssinians.

    What is tooth resorption?
    Tooth resorption results in the loss of tooth structure, starting with the outer enamel surface, usually at or below the gumline. The lesions, which are NOT cavities, begin as a loss of tooth enamel and can eventually spread to the dentin and then the pulp canal, which contains the blood vessels and nerves to the tooth. Sometimes, the entire crown of the tooth may be missing.

    Tooth resorption is progressive and may be singular or multiple and on the lingual (side where the tongue is) or buccal (side where the cheek is) side of the tooth. Some lesions are readily apparent and others may be hidden under areas of plaque or swollen gums. This is why a cat needs to be anesthetized to determine if such lesions are present: the entire surface of each tooth must be examined.

    The lesions most commonly occur in the larger, multi-rooted teeth - the molars and premolars - at the area where the roots diverge. They can also occur in the canine teeth and incisors.

    What causes tooth resorption?
    The cause of these resorptive lesions is unknown. One theory is that the inflammation caused by plaque may stimulate cells called 'odontoclasts,' which eat away at the enamel of the tooth. Other possible causes include autoimmune disorders, changes in pH in the mouth, viral diseases, or a problem with calcium metabolism.

    What signs of disease are associated with tooth resorption?
    Resorptive lesions that have eroded through the enamel may be very painful. Cats with oral pain may appear irritable or aggressive, have a change in appetite or food preference, and may have difficulty chewing and eating (food falls from their mouth). Cats with resorptive lesions may show pain when their jaws are touched and may also have increased salivation or oral bleeding.

    How are resorptive lesions diagnosed?
    Many lesions may be easily visible. However, a dental explorer should be used to examine each tooth above and below the surface of the gum. Any calculus on the teeth needs to be removed before a complete examination can be performed.

    Dental radiographs are essential in diagnosing this condition and evaluating the extent of disease. Resorption lesions are graded I-V according to the amount of tooth that is lost with Grade I being mild and Grade V being severe

    How is tooth resorption treated?
    Depending upon the stage of resorption, the entire tooth with the roots may be extracted, or only a portion of the tooth is removed.
    It is recommended that cats who have a history of tooth resorption should have a prophylaxis (professional dental cleaning) every six months.
    Good home dental care is important for cats with tooth resorption. Follow the veterinarian's instructions carefully.
    The FORLs and Stomatitis created in Darcy what seemed like a chronic URI but she tested negative for EVERYTHING and none of the medications helped. they decided to go in and pull some teeth yesterday and her mouth was a mess, something they could only see when she was put under and someone who knew what to look for took a peek.

    She had runny eyes, runny nose, would sneeze blood, wheezed. Ext.

    Darcy had 14 teeth pulled out and now will be going back in a few weeks to a month's time to get the entire rest of her teeth pulled out.

    Check your pet's teeth monthly, even if you brush your pet's teeth it doesn't guarantee protection from this disease as they don't know what causes it

  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to MyNewbabyDarcy For This Useful Post:

    mcguy (26th March 2011), Tivicoons (3rd April 2011)

  3. #2
    Elite Cat
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    candes- especially since Teddy Bearz has had some issues already this is something as he gets older you definitely will want to have checked out often just in case *big hugs*

  4. #3
    Elite Cat
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    One thing that has bothered me about this all. When I posted on my blog what was going on EVERYONE started to jump on board with blaming her breeder!! Darcy had a full health check before coming to me in March 2010. She had a full dental in June. These issues came up and things went bad in a month.

    They got worse because vets do not always recognize these disorders for what they are. WE as pet owners need to be able to find this knowledge. Which is what i'm doing. Informing others

  5. #4
    Elite Cat
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    Yes Calicivirus can cause these issues but that's not a definite thing. Darcy has been tested for and vaccinated against Calicivirus since she was a baby yearly. So that's not her problem. In her case it's probably hereditary .

    She's done L-lysine for 2 months with - improvement at all. I'm very glad however that Teddy Bearz is doing well and you've discovered what is going on!




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