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We've had Bungo for 3 weeks now and I noticed he was sneezing more than my other cats used to, and also he had a bit of discharge from his nose and round his eyes. I thought I may have been overreacting but better be safe than sorry I took him to the vet this evening, He looked in his mouth and found an ulcer and confirmed he has the Feline Calicivirus strain of cat flu.
Me being rather clueless in this subject thought it was the end of world, but apparently not. The vet explained how it worked and re-assured me he would be fine. I've also read up about it on the Feline Advice Bureau and that has reassured me too.
Now I know why my breeder told me not to show or breed him! I have a feeling she must have known. She had a lot of maine coons in her house (16 permanent residents plus kittens) and after reading up it looks like it's common in such large catteries.
Im so glad I went to the vet now, and my advice would be if in doubt get it checked out!