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Thread: Podgy Pets Leaflet!
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20th April 2011, 07:07 PM #1
Podgy Pets Leaflet!
I went to the vets today for some general advice and as always happens the day before the appointment, Mufasa miraculously acquired to have sore eyes. During the consultation the vet weighed him and he is now 8.55kg (at 1 yr 8 months old). She told me he was overweight and asked me to go and see the nurse so that he can go on a weight loss programme. I was told he needs to be around 6kg and therefore has to shed 2.5kg. Before giving me the dreaded Podgy Pets leaflet, I was told that I should be able to feel his ribs (which I can't) and that I should try to make him more agile.
I am worried because he is a big boy and was 7kg when I got him from the rescue last October. The rescue owner told me that her vet expected him to be a big boy and he could end up around 9kg. He has huge paws!
I have searched the forum and have perused the weight chart. He seems to be a similar-ish weight to other cats on there around his age. I do think that he could possibly loose a bit of weight but 2.5 kg seems an awful lot.
I know it is difficult without seeing him, but does anyone have any advice? I would be very grateful.