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  1. #11
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Quote Originally Posted by jckkerrison View Post
    Yep,thats how we do ours,the first inj.makes them dopey & the second one puts them out to do the op,great way of doing it because you don't need to tube them,we then give a anti reversal drug a bit later on that brings them round quicker,so don't know if she was done the same way or if they put the next bit into the vein,there are lots of different ways.Now I would say it is nearly the point of where the ID chip should be,it is normally put mid way between the shoulder blades,whenever we know an animal is chipped we always check for it whenever the animal comes in so might be worth just asking them to scan Ruby when you have to take her in again,even if it isn't until booster time.
    Just a big relief all round to know the sore spot was down to something simple....x
    simple idea there but a great one, just get her scanned anyway to check it's still in thanks


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