I am really worried as last night i found a lump on Sebastian.It is really quite large,its on the right hand side of his tummy by his back leg and feels like a mans testicle!He doesnt seem to uncomfortable but i have got him booked in at the vets tonight.I was wondering if maybe a hernia?anyone else had anything like this?:sad2:
Oh no! I hope he's okay - let us know what happens at the vets!
Could he have been bitten by another cat,could be an abscess festering away there,he is a bit young to get anything nasty,if it is on the inside of the leg it could be an inguinal hernia but again they normally have them as young babes not at his age,unless of course he has been doing some heavy weight lifting while working out....
You are doing the right thing by taking him to be checked,good luck,will wait to read what happens later...x
Could be an abcess, could be something as simple as a harmless cyst. Always best to get it checked out though - will keep an eye out (and fingers crossed) for your update later x
Have just got back from the vets and to be honest they dont seem altogether sure.The vet said it could be fat pouch but there is a small harder lump inside it which she said could be lymph nodes,his temp is normal and he has to go back next week to see if there is any change.I am obviously no vet but i would have thought if it was a fat pouch he would surely have one on both sides???I will be keeping a very close eye on him till he goes back next week!x
That was a bit of a neither here or there visit then,did she give him any ab coverage as a precaution or is it just a wait & see situation ?
Will keep watching for updates,luv to you both...x
No we just got to wait and see,but i just cant see how we have missed it as its really quite big and now every time i pick him up thats all i can feel.Will keep you updated!x
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