delacate stomach
Was just wondering if it was normal for a mc to have a delacate stomach; it took years to find a good food for my cat to eat, but if he eats anything besides that he will vomit it back up, mostly undigested. I mix 2 dry foods together; a hairball control with a vitamin & health, and he loves that. However, my roomate uses a prohealth & hairball all-in-one, and my cat just can't stomach it. Normal?:stressed:
I've got plenty of experience with the delicate stomach but it's always from the 'other end' if you catch my drift. Only seen vomiting once and Freyja had eaten something she shouldn't have. If I give either of mine Applaws (wet) or RC Maine Coon biscuits, it's deeply unpleasant (not to mention undignified) a few hours later, and so we now stick with Whiskas, Gourmet Gold, Sheba and Hills Natures Best.
Never have seen anything unpleasant from the other end, but I've never had a cat have such problems with another food. Though, he does have the habit of overeating, rather quickly at that so perhaps that's a contributing factor.
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