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  1. #1
    Top Cat
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    Nov 2010
    North London, UK
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    Where did the blood come from... ?

    Came home today and found what apperas to be a couple of small patches of blood on the bed. The one day my neck hurt to much to make the bed and put the cover on it. Sigh.

    The largest of the patches is about 3 x 1cm and was red not brown.

    Nothing else in the house I can find - carpets all clear.

    I checked all three boys over, nothing obvious, none are hissing at each other they all appear fine. Bums clean, mouths all look OK, not much crap in their nose indicating a nose bleed. No signs of disemboweled insects either. Appetites all normal.

    What else should I keep an eye on ?

    PS I have noticed that Dicky's little testicles are more pronounced than the other two. Is he devloping quicker or is this something to keep an eye on too?




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