Help! D&V, lethargy and not trying to kill me!
Hi all, sure I'm probably worrying over nothing but... Tuesday evening Rasputin had diarrhoea and was vomiting (first food and then white foam/froth) and was generally quite lethargic so he slept in the bedroom until he perked up and started trying to eat my toes (at about 2am). We kept him on biscuits and water for 24 hours.
Yesterday evening and this morning he had Whiskas kitten pouches and happily nommed them all but this evening he's completely ignored his dinner (Whiskas again - keeping him off the Bozita due to its richness) and is again subdued (although less than Tues). He's NEVER ignored food before nor has he ever vomited. His 3rd eyelid was up a little bit on Tuesday but doesn't seem to be at all today. He's had a poo once today (as per usual) and it was (according to the OH) slightly runny but not full-on diarrhoea and there's been no sign of further vomiting.
He's only allowed outside occasionally on a leash and only in the garden and we haven't changed his diet or feeding routine at all. Any advice would be appreciated as I really don't want to make an unnecessary trip to the vet but nor do I want to be missing something obvious but serious!