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Thread: Maine Coon not putting on weight

  1. #111
    Active Cat
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    Jun 2011
    Thanked 3 Times in 3 Posts
    Oh and I forgot to mention, here is our new addition to our family Meet Kali, she is a cute little moggie and is around 10 weeks old now but was closer to 8 in this picture
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Maine Coon not putting on weight-photo-2-.jpg  
    Alekto likes this.

  2. #112
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Feb 2011
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    Hi, I was browsing the forum and came across your thread. Not sure if it's at all relevant but I have a 7 year old mc who had similar problems to Martha for the first four years of his life. He had bouts of diarrhoea, sometimes with sickness and generally feeling very unwell, even needing hospitalisation and a drip on one occasion, then it would clear up (usually with antibiotics and trips to vets). We noticed it kept recurring at times of stress e.g. when he'd been at the cattery or if we had lots of people over. We thought ibd/pancreatitis etc but after our vet took the initiative to do some extra blood tests he was diagnosed with recurring campylobacter. He was given specific palatable antibiotics and it cleared up completely within a few days and he has been free of it ever since.

    I am so happy Martha is ok now as I know how distressing it is to have a sick cat and not know the cause. I hope you have also managed to find a vet you can trust now too.


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