Please for your own sanity, stop weighing her. I am no expert but having cats from kittens for 40+ years, I am very sure you are doing all you possibly can for her well being and happiness.
I have actually found that it has taken little loose bum boy more than a week just to recover from the toll of a course of antibiotics and be able to take a bit more care of himself. I understand it is exhausting and I really hope that all your hard work and heartache pays off. When I researched the breed, I had no inclination that their immune systems could be so weak and so it was something I wasn't entirely prepared for either.
I hope you are both giving each other a break to recharge your batteries.
Wishing you all well.
It does seem to be a fairly common problem with MCs - we also had severe tummy problems with our 3. Within a week of being here they all had very runny & smelly poos ... like water ... and their trousers were in an horrendous mess after each one. To cut a very long (approx 2.5 months) story short, it was discovered that they had somehow picked up e-coli. The vet suspected that our other cat Tigger may have bought something in. It was an extremely worrying time, very up and down, but none of them appeared really ill - they often played etc as usual - I think it was more fraught for Mum and Dad than the kits!
It does take a time for the little 'uns to recover from anti-biotics and be able to clean themselves up, but with loads of love and kisses they get there.
Thinking of you Quass and hoping that Martha is improving.
caternity and quass ... you are both doing everything you can for your babes... we are all with you and sending purrs and hugs
Sending love and hugs to Martha - very much hope she turns the corner soon xx
edI hope things have taken a turn for the better quass.
I am coming to the conclusion that my 3 are allergic to kitten food. Whether it is wet or dry I am still to determine but for the moment, touch wood, their little bums have dried up. For two days all they have had is poached chicken, steamed fish and king prawns. They even had my Sea Bass for breakfast. :drool1:
In the 2 days, loose poops are all but gone and all three have gained some weight and are all heavier than they have ever been. I don't think they'll be joining Weightwatchers anytime soon though. Anyway, I'll stick with this diet for a few weeks then try to slowly reintroduce the dry food again and see what happens.
Have a good weekend ladies and gents.
Sounds like you have had some good news, glad they are on the up.
Martha has been showing signs of improvement and I thought she was on the mend, her eyes are no longer runny and have cleared up, however the past day or so I noticed one of her nostrils looked blocked, I tried a little steam inhilation and she is back in the vets on Tuesday which is the soonest our vets can see her as unfortunately I have a funeral to attend tomorrow out of town. Today it was clear but but when she got up I noticed her blow a few bubbles as she breathed, then they went. I've been a bit paranoid today so have been watching / listening to her closely, when she breathes out it's a little noisey like she has a stuffy nose, and she is breathing perhaps once a second? This seems quite fast?
She's been alert and acting normaly, but also very much likes her sleep like normal!
She's still on metronidazole until Tuesday and curently asleep on our laps. I'm wondering whether to take her to the out of hours vet tonight to check her out? I don't know if I am juust being paranoid and worrying too much though.
We took her to the vets, her lungs and chest sounded fine, she still has a slight murmour though :(
They have her in for scans and x-rays and we are waiting to hear.
Well, they said she is bloated and her belly is full of food, her kidney looks larger than usual as do the bile ducts? The vet is now reffering us to a specialist for more tests, they have taken some more blood. More waiting now, and then more tests and more waiting does it ever end.
She suspects a liver shunt or heart condition now....
Quass I am so sorry, you must be very worried. But at least they are taking it seriously and hopefully you will get some answers from the specialist. Good luck and I hope little Martha is bearing up and carrying on with her kitteny ways in the meantime x
Shouldn't take long for the referral I know we can normally see clients within a few days of initial request - hope you wont have to travel too far with your babe. FIngers and paws crossed for you and purrs to you all
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