Thanks for the information Peter and the rest of you for your comments.
Martha is still doing well touchwood, I'm paranoid after all this though that there may be something wrong with her still, I hope the vets and I am wrong and she continues to improve. Her poops have been normal for 1 week, and she has been very active and acting like a normal kitten for the past week.
I'm a bit worried about her abdomen, I'm not sure if it is too bloated or not? She now weighs nearly 2 kilos on an empy-ish stomach.
She's cleaning herself a lot more too, but the poor thing has hair missing on her legs, all of her tummy and chest etc as well as her neck due to all the tests.
I thought I would share a little video of her, it's from my phone and I had the camera light on which makes her fur look a bit odd, but at least you can see her when she is feeling well :)
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="martha.wmv - YouTube" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
4 Attachment(s)
I hope your sweet little girl grows onto those gigantic ears.
Well she certainly looks a lot livelier lets hope she is on the up....x
Nice to see im not the only one having a nightmare with the xmas dec's this year ,she is definately looking better from the pictures i saw before ,all fingers and paws crossed here for you :)
Glad she is perking up ...and sounds like you are too....may it long continue
She looks very sprightly and playful, but in a very gentle kind of way in the youtube footage. Very much hope she continues improve and that this worrying start will be a distant memory in a much healthier future x
It looks like she has a will to survive and whatever you are doing to nurse her to health is working. It's great to see her enjoying her life. I hope that continues and she goes from strength to strength now. Well done to you.
Vets now ripoffs of Swindon, I mean refferals practice manager Brian Wright responded and said the lack of information was not their responsibility and that he could not fault the processes undertaken by his employees.
I have forwarded the response to my wife who works at a solicitors to add some more weight to the complaint and strongly dispute this.
We have also been in further discussion with the breeder, she has been fantastic. We simply couldn't re-home Martha or return her now the poor little thing, but the breeder still offered to refund us the full purchase price as a gesture of goodwill, which I have recieved a cheque for £450.00 through the post today in a Christmas card!
I must say that she has been fantastic about the whole situation, how many people would offer help, advice and solutions and even refund you? Not many I would imagine. This goes someway towards the fees and hassle we have had.
With regards to Martha we are now registered at a new vets, but we are not seeking treatment over the xmas period as she is playing and happy in herself at the moment, we do not want to add further stress to her. If she declines she will be seen immediatly though. She did a yellowey runy poop last night, the first one in about two weeks - a sure fire way to stop my heart! I am now on poop duty waiting to see if the next one is normal, fingers crossed. She has still been playing this morning so that is a good thing.
I'll no doubt be online over the xmas period, but I would like to wish all of you a happy Xmas with your kitties and your families *huggs*
My breeder is as good as yours,they are the ones that give you the confidence that there are some in it for the luv & not money.I am sorry but it was the responsibility of the vets she was reffered too to make sure they had her notes,if some reason we have reffered an animal & the notes have gone astray we have had phone calls on the day to say where are they,then all panic breaks loose to get them faxed through in time for the clients appointments !!! Good luck with taking it further,you have every right to an outcome that satisfies you.
As for your little girl fingers crossed its just a very short lapse,will not be about on forum much for a few days as with work,people arriving to stay & doing the xmas lunch here time is going to be very short but will try & pop on for a quick look to see how she is....x
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