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Thread: Maine Coon not putting on weight

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  1. #1
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    Thanks, we already popped out and have delivered the sample.

    We popped the solution in a small spoonfull of tuna in spring water so she would take the medicine. The solution the vet gave us is indeed panacure according to the label. I also bought panacure off of the shelf for Tiberius to treat them both as a precuation.

    They have both been treated today, trays have been disenfected, two more days to complete Marthas course and fingers crossed she wwill improve.

    Thats interesting info about giardia as Marthas symptoms sound the same.

    I hope your girl is cured and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for ours.


  2. #2
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    I really hope that Martha gets better soon xx

  3. #3
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    Hi All,

    Martha had her final dose of Panacur today.

    She's been eating lots, but not so much of her own diet! She seems to not want to eat the Royal Cannin Maine Coon food and instead keeps making a b-line for our adults cat food. We compared the contents and the difference seems to be that the adults has 10% fat vs 18% for the kittens food. The ingredients and other content is very very close. Perhaps it is because it is not so high in fat or as rich that and she has an upset tummy that she wants it?

    We are wanting her to eat, so we've mixed some adult biscuits into her biscuits.

    She was 1.3 kilos Saturday, we weighed her yesterday and she was 1.5 kilos, this evening she is 1.7! Her stools though since sunday have been loose yellowey foul smelling poops. I haven't seen any sign of them getting back to normal yet. I'm not sure if the weight gain is food inside her as she has been eating lots or if she is actually maintaining some of it and putting on weight. I'm not sure if it's my imagination, but her fur seems to be 'fluffier' today and you can see her colours more? She has also been more active today than past days and has been playing a bit and wandering around a lot, she normally just sleeps on our bed.

    We are really, really hoping that by the weekend the weight has increased, I'm sure that if it continues to go up it can't just be food in her waiting to pass through, although the stools she is producing is still a concern, and I have seen no trace of worms or anything strange in them in the past couple of days.

    Fingers crossed that with the final dose today it will clear whatever was in her system out and she will start to get back to normal and the weight will keep going up.


  4. #4
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    Weight gain,coat looking better hopefully she is on the way up,does sound as if the kitten food is too rich for her & if she is enjoying the adult go for it,she is better off having that if it suits her just add some extra supplement to it to help with her growth at this age they can pile it on quite quickly & their bone growth is big too.
    The panacur might have made things a bit smelly but the yellowish colour is a bit strange,will be interesting to see what they are like now you have finished dosing her although you really ought to do her again in a months time.
    How long before you get any results back....?
    So pleased for you all that things are looking more positive,it does seem as if she is making better use of her food now & those weight increases look good,cuddles to Martha tell her to keep it up,we will be watching....xxxx

  5. #5
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    Just as I was reading this my door was pushed open and there she was, she hoped up onto me and snuggled up chirping bless her

    Indeed the stools don't seem good, but I am hoping that things will improve in the next 24 hours after the last dose.

    I contacted the vets Monday and today and they have no results yet. The anoying thing is that the stool sample we gave them was much more normal, and since we gave them that they changed, typical!

    I've been working home the past couple of days to look after her and keep on top of the litter tray + give her lots of attention. I'm staying home tomorrow too so I can keep on top of things and monitor her.

    I'll try to post a picture of her soon and I hope to update you with some positive news.





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