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Thread: I can't believe it!!!!

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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
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    I can't believe it!!!!

    Hi I found this forum looking for zecoona mainecoons on the web and oh my god can't believe that she is
    Still breeding under yet another name!!!!!! I say this as my beautiful mainecoon max has the cronavirus
    and she is the breeder that I got him from. What's worse is he was a gift from her to replace my first
    mainecoon she sold me called Louie who also had the virus and died on boxing day 2008 at 10 months old.

    Unfortunately I am moving to oz in January and am left with the heartbreaking task of trying to rehome
    Max as we can't take him with us and this is easier said than done as no one wants to take on a cat that
    needs Lots of tlc.

    I am absolutely horrified to think there are still poorly kittens being sold to loving homes, it's heartbreaking

    Can't anything be done????????

  2. #2
    Active Cat
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    Yes, you can report her/him to registration body (if you have a proof so that viris come from her/him of course... )

  3. #3
    Elite Cat
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    Hmmm... Good luck with that. I hope you succeed where many others have failed Her name is well known - but for all the wrong reasons
    debbie560 and Kinglouie like this.

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to Wendy1969 For This Useful Post:

  5. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Kinglouie View Post
    Hi I found this forum looking for zecoona mainecoons on the web and oh my god can't believe that she is
    Still breeding under yet another name!!!!!! I say this as my beautiful mainecoon max has the cronavirus
    and she is the breeder that I got him from. What's worse is he was a gift from her to replace my first
    mainecoon she sold me called Louie who also had the virus and died on boxing day 2008 at 10 months old.

    Unfortunately I am moving to oz in January and am left with the heartbreaking task of trying to rehome
    Max as we can't take him with us and this is easier said than done as no one wants to take on a cat that
    needs Lots of tlc.

    I am absolutely horrified to think there are still poorly kittens being sold to loving homes, it's heartbreaking

    Can't anything be done????????

    OMG>...... BIG pat on the back King louie for standing up to be counted....

    I have only just seen this... ANOTHER person ripped off and hurt back the back street breeder known as Suzanne Zech..... Zecoona- Razzledazzle Tipzntailz

    THE REASON she gets away with it and has for so long is because WHEN you cross her she is the most evil, vile, corrupt individual that I have ever known walk this earth......

    3 YEARS.... I have had hell off her... for one thing only TAKING the thief to court for my cats back....

    She has now started on another breeder that wanted nothing to do with her more lies more nasty posts on the web!!!

    I am so sorry to hear both about Louie and Max..... ♥

    MAX>>>>> when did you get this boy!!!! PLEASE TELL me its very important.... HE COULD be the MAX, that she bred from my girl that's she said to the court bailiffs had ... died........

    The proof is with FIFE felino... she has a ban with them with 4 cases outstanding.. so we are hoping for a life time ban.....

    SHE is now with TICA........ TICA should be informed if this new kitten is with her TIPZNTAILZ prefix....

    Please get back to me and let me know the date of birth of your baby....
    Last edited by debbie560; 1st December 2011 at 03:14 PM.

  6. #5
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    My mistake ... I did not associate it comes to that person. Perhaps the best thing to do is to tell whoever you can about the situation. And write about it everywhere where you can: here, on Facebook, on other forums, inform TICA... Just to try to warn potential buyers... I am afraid that as long as she will have a buyers for her kittens this situation will not change...

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to Felino For This Useful Post:

  8. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Felino View Post
    My mistake ... I did not associate it comes to that person. Perhaps the best thing to do is to tell whoever you can about the situation. And write about it everywhere where you can: here, on Facebook, on other forums, inform TICA... Just to try to warn potential buyers... I am afraid that as long as she will have a buyers for her kittens this situation will not change...

    Sadly the cat associations are fully aware of what she is doing and has done, the European regional director from Tica has known about this woman for well over 2 years, he has seen evidence and information and has sat back and done nothing..

    The cat associations should work together she is banned with FIFE ,TICA should stand also by that ban..

    I have a copy of an email where she tried to black mail another breeder in to keeping her mouth shut about the ban...!!??

    Sadly people do write about her, some have screamed from the roof tops.. BUT she comes across like your granny all nice and friendly... and she plays the VICTIM so well...........

    HOW do you think she reeled me in... I would not have left my cats with a NUTTER!!!

    I have a copy of her website when she became tipzntailz from Razzledazzle... it stated ---- I am a brand new breeder, just started now.... LOL

    Sad really.... so sad!

    THANKFULLY not a lot are taken in by as much as she thinks!!

  9. #7
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    I think the fact that she has changed her Pre-fix on more than one occasion speaks volumes. Any respectable breeder would rather walk over hot coals than lose their Pre-fix. They would have spent many years building up their breeding lines, put in huge amounts of time, effort and love. A well-known, respected name is worth an awful lot to good breeders. You can buy in cats. You can't buy a good name
    jckkerrison and MickB like this.

  10. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Wendy1969 View Post
    I think the fact that she has changed her Pre-fix on more than one occasion speaks volumes. Any respectable breeder would rather walk over hot coals than lose their Pre-fix. They would have spent many years building up their breeding lines, put in huge amounts of time, effort and love. A well-known, respected name is worth an awful lot to good breeders. You can buy in cats. You can't buy a good name

    WELL SAID!!!!

    You want to know the answer she has for that one...

    I am the reason she had to get a new prefix.... I HOUNDED her she claims... Nothing to do with the sick kittens, nothing to do with my 2 cats she stole bred off and then kept the babies... one of them on the website now just become a mother.....

    YOU are right no respectable breeder.... WOULD let her have a breeding cat.... MIND the only breeders on her LINKS page are people who are as BAD as she is and this that have let her have cats, and know of her are no better than her!!

    Anyone who has let her have a cat now, should have done their homework... SOME good BIG breeders did and refused her one... and guess who got the blame... YOU got it ME!!!!!!

    This woman has and never will accept the consequences for her actions... SHE had the nerve to say she has some quadruple grand champions.... and this makes what she did okay!! now..

    I would rather have a room full of healthy moggies and my name and reputation.... Than a house full of Champions, and on my 3rd prefix in so little years of breeding.....

    PLUS I have pictures of what she does to her champion girls when they are no longer on the show bench...

  11. #9
    Active Cat
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    I have just bought a Maine Coon kitten and was so close to going to look at this persons litter. She is advertising a kitten called Rough Ryder on pets4homes. This is so worrying for people new to Maine Coons, I did my homework and got the name of the breeder through the club. But if Tica and FIFE know about this then they are as bad as this woman. They have a responsibility to the public and the cats and kittens being sold.
    debbie560 and Kinglouie like this.

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to terrijane For This Useful Post:




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