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Thread: Weird breathing
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4th January 2012, 09:00 PM #1
Weird breathing
Hi All
I'm not sure what I'm hoping for/expecting from this post. Possibly just some reassurance and/or advice.
Basically since I got Poif early last year I've noticed that she breathes strangely sometimes. More often her breathing is normal but every now and again she appears to have quick short/shallow breaths. It sounds a bit strained and when like this she tends to stretch herself out across the floor. She doesn't look distressed, she doesn't cough or wheeze. Within 15 minutes she seems to be breathing normally again.
I few months back I took her to the vet to check out her breathing but he said she sounded fine and her heart was fine too. Poif seems fine and healthy in all other ways, she's playful and silly, good appetite.
I could just be over sensitive as Ibby died this time last year due to kidney failure. What made me notice she was poorly in the first place was her strained breathing. :(
As an added note, not sure if it makes a difference but Poif also has an occasional nose whistle. I think this might be coz she has a stumpy little nose. Could this impact on her breathing?!