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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
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    Help w/ strange happenings...please?

    One of my Maybe-Maine Coon Cats has an on and off again issues with her stool. She would have the tendency to leave me a present in several areas of the house-(this includes the tub and bathroom sink !) but not the litter box. These would be very loose, but not watery. I would also notice her cleaning herself (around the anus area) she would start to growl and get pissed-off. This would go on for several weeks and stop for a while then begin again. Vet said that he could find nothing wrong after performing several tests. I'm kind of running out of ideas. (I'm thinking maybe hair balls ? or food ?) any suggestions will be helpful. Also- both cats seem to go an awful amount of poop-is this normal?

    Thanks in advance




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