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  • 2 Post By Caternity Leave

Thread: Car Training and Leash Training

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deshni Car Training and Leash... 13th February 2012, 11:33 AM
Caternity Leave I don't know your location... 13th February 2012, 12:25 PM
deshni It is not illegal in South... 13th February 2012, 12:42 PM
Bethy_boo When I read up on car... 13th February 2012, 06:39 PM
CatsMom If it is the law or not, the... 15th February 2012, 01:54 AM
CatsMom I forgot to mention for the... 15th February 2012, 02:07 AM
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    Car Training and Leash Training


    I am training my little one (now three and a half months!) to sit in the car and to walk on a leash. I started him in a carrier (which he hates) and he cries all the time we are in the car. I have also been driving him around to different places (not just the vet) so he doesn't create that association. I then started driving around with the carrier open, so that he could get out and then without the carrier at all.

    He cries possibly 60% of the time when we are in the car, and this is while I am talking to him the entire time. He moves around from the front seat to the back seat and thereabouts. I have noticed though at times he starts panting, which is a sign of stress in cats I am told. I was wondering if anyone had some advice to make this less stressful for him as I want to be able to take him on holidays and that requires car trips.

    Regarding the leash training; he is very comfortable on a harness but as soon as I put the leash on he keels over to his side and refuses to move!




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