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  1. #1
    Elite Cat
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    Dry and Cracked Paw Pads..

    Oops. Title suppose to read Dry and Rough Paws.

    Poor Tequila.

    He gets these water blisters, then it pops and dries and he's left with rough looking paws. I don't think it hurts him as he's going mach 3 down the hallways and sliding like crazy around the condo. We have laminate flooring and berber in the bdrms.

    Our vet has seen it and she's not concerned. I, on the other hand want to have his pads back to being nice and soft. Not dry and rough especially him being in a cat show next month.

    I've been using Bag balm and that seems to be helping a bit. However, I've also read that Omega 3 oils can help with the skin. I went to Petco and Petsmart and they both carry Omega 3 supplements. Petsmart has the GNC Ultra Mega Wild Salmon Oil as well as the GNC Ultra Mega Skin and Coat Essentials for Cats. Healthy Skin & Coat Care - Health Care & Supplements - PetSmart and Petco has something very similar but just different brands. I wonder if these will help.

    I will ask my vet about the Omega 3. But I would like to know if any of you have or had any experience with dry paws and the use of Omega 3 supplements.
    Last edited by LilyC; 23rd February 2012 at 03:50 AM. Reason: changed title

  2. #2
    Elite Cat
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    Does he go outside?

    If he is going outside I'd suggest rather than trying to soften up his pads that you try to touughen them up without them cracking. Years ago I was recommended to do this with a cat whose pads actually started bleeding when he changed terrain after a house move. From memory, it was recommended that I massage a little methylated spirit and olive oil mixture onto his pads. It certainly healed him up and the problem never recurred. His pads then looked more like a hard wearing leather but no cracks or soreness.

  3. #3
    Elite Cat
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    Nope. The little fella is strictly indoors only.

  4. #4
    Elite Cat
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    He's had the water blisters before the bag balm. It's off and on and it's not on all his pads. We use no chemicals. Just water and vinegar to wipe floors. Not sure if it's the litter. We use Dr.Elsey's Precious Cat.
    If he can hull his bulk onto the counter and walk on the cooktop, at least we would know where the blisters are coming from but we know it's not that. He's too lazy to jump that high.

    I am going to have to buy some newborn socks to put on his feet if he keeps lickin' the bag balm. LOL!

    Would you recommend one of the Omega 3's, candes?

  5. #5
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    Hi Lily C, I just noticed this morning that my Dexter also have dry and flaking paws... I am a little bit concerned too, I don't think it's the litter.
    My boy is big on grooming...i'm thinking it could be from licking his right front paws too much. Dexter only has this on one paws,

  6. #6
    Elite Cat
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    Bubbies: like candes says, its not much to worry about if it's just dry. Try some vaseline or bag balm if you've got it. I wonder if the dryness is from our Canadian air? lol.

    Tequila's paws have improved with the bag balm. He's blister free for almost 2 weeks. I don't believe there is any perfumes in the litter. It is hypo-allergenic, no plant proteins, all natural, low dust does not say perfume free or scented.

    I have been keeping an eye on his playtime. He is not allow outside so if it is anything, he's getting the blisters from the indoors. If the blisters come back, I will have the vet run some tests to make sure he's alright.




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