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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Question ppeeeeeee-U! Stinky Bottom?

    When I initially adopted Winston I had to wait about a week before I could get a vet appointment with the vet I like so we could do a general wellness check up. In the mean time I noticed his anal glands were extra stinky and seemed swollen. I asked the vet to check, and sure enough they needed draining. We initially thought maybe stress had led to loose stool which caused them to not function properly. From what I can gather I adopted him rather quickly after he came to the rescue, where he was separated from his sister who was adopted before him. The vet thought the stress of a new home, new food,new routine, constant strangers and separation from his sibling might have caused it.

    He had no other health issues, and has since been pooping normally. But recently I've noticed that oh so lovely smell again. I don't know what to do about this? Is there even anything I can do to prevent this? The vet said there was no infection or impaction and that it should be ok but its back and that worries me. I am not a vet and therefore have no desire to try and drain them myself. Id probably just traumatize him anyways. I will be taking him to the vet here in the near future to have them drained and have him rechecked. In the mean time, any tips?

    Just a bit of info : He is almost 2 years old, neutered, 15 lbs. They both drink plenty of water and are on Wellness core. No people food or other things that are not kitty friendly. Generally loving, playful, nosy etc so no lethargy or depression. Grooming fine, nose ears and mouth are pink/ clear/ appropriately moist. Everything else seems normal, but his bum is so stinky!

  2. #2
    Cool Cat
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    For us, Whiskey only had stinky poo. This sometimes made his bum smell too. The cause turned out to be the dry food that we fed him. It took awhile introducing new brands & types of food. In the end, at our vet's suggestion, we found that Royal Canin Maine Coon did the trick. No more stinky poo. We also give Whiskey 1 tsp of can food twice a day as a treat. Since we had a lot of unused food that we couldn't feed Whiskey we donated it to our local animal shelter.

    Whiskey isn't very good at grooming his bum, so I use clippers to trim the area. This helps keep the stink from staying on his fur.

    Good luck with Winston!

  3. #3
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    Full anal glands can be a pain all round & if he has got "that"smell about him again I would bring his check up forward & get them emptied out again sometimes when they have been extra full they neeed another go to hopefully get them sorted,other than giving him a diet high in fibre that keeps his poos firm to hopefully make them work properly there is not much else you can do other than having a nice odour eliminator you can spray on his bot,hope your rear end is soon sorted Winston & you are nice to luv both ends...x

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to jckkerrison For This Useful Post:

    lady_fuzzybottom (27th May 2012)

  5. #4
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Hmm both of them were on purina when I adopted them, but I didn't like all the grain in that so Ive switched them to Wellness. Ive heard good things about Wellness; and with everything I read/ compared Wellness seemed like a good choice. I never thought about it from a fiber standpoint though. hmmmmmmmm. Might have to look into that.

  6. #5
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Quote Originally Posted by CatsMom View Post
    For us, Whiskey only had stinky poo. This sometimes made his bum smell too. The cause turned out to be the dry food that we fed him. It took awhile introducing new brands & types of food. In the end, at our vet's suggestion, we found that Royal Canin Maine Coon did the trick. No more stinky poo. We also give Whiskey 1 tsp of can food twice a day as a treat. Since we had a lot of unused food that we couldn't feed Whiskey we donated it to our local animal shelter.

    Whiskey isn't very good at grooming his bum, so I use clippers to trim the area. This helps keep the stink from staying on his fur.

    Good luck with Winston!

    Have you tried kitty wipes? Winston doesn't actually have the classic maine coon coat. Its medium ish, though it is thick. He doesn't really get poo stuck to him or anything since that area is already pretty short.

  7. #6
    Elite Cat
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    Other than the advice above, if they are not impacted they are fairly straightforward (albeit unpleasant) to drain. If it is a recurring problem, I'd ask the vet / nurse to show you how.

  8. #7
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Im hoping that it will clear up as they continue on the new food. They have only been on it for about a month, but it is much better quality than what they had. If it doesn't, I guess ill learn to squeeze bums :p




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