Music for Cats
I came by a link to TEYUS who's music is based on feline vocal communication and environmental sounds that pique the interest of cats.
All of the music that you ever heard, every note, every phrase was written by and for humans. Now for the first time, there is authentic music for cats. Exploring the idea of Primal Music.
Music for Cats
Feline wellbeing and health is not only about diet! This study has to be worthy of our consideration*Roy
"NORA: Practice Makes Purr-fect"
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZ860P4iTaM]YouTube - "NORA: Practice Makes Purr-fect" - Check the sequel too.[/ame]
Wow, thats amazing. I had no idea that cats were so receptive to music. Good find Roy
:LOL: wont be playing that agian Louie just hissed at the speaker :LOL:
I recently got a gift of a 12 CD Collector's Edition of Pure Ambience for my birthday.
Nice realxing music and sounds. Winston loves it!!!
Pure Ambience & Relaxation 12 CD Gift Set - 12 CD Gift Sets - Musicbank Ltd
Thats just hysterical!!!!
Awesome :AddEmoticons00914:
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