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Thread: Excessive shedding and itching?

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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Excessive shedding and itching?

    I'm wondering if anyone knows of common skin issues in Maine Coons? When we got Pina from the rescue her paperwork indicated that she had had "miliary dermatitis" which had been treated with antibiotics. She had some scabs and thin spots but they quickly healed up and we now have a beautiful fluffy girl.

    Now after about a year, I'm noticing the scabs are back and she is shedding in clumps. I groom her daily but she seems to lose enough hair to build another cat!! I've made her an appointment to go see the vet on Friday. I'm just wondering if this is a skin condition that will pop up from time to time of is there something causing it?

  2. #2
    Elite Cat
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    MC Elvis and Coco the L00py Calico were both tearing themselves up until we finally got rid of a nasty flea infestation.

    I couldn't actually see any fleas or flea scat on them until it got out of hand.

    The vet will have something to give them to relieve the irritation, in any case.

    Fleas are really bad this year here in Central PA...
    Last edited by claudel; 6th August 2012 at 10:19 PM.

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  4. #3
    The Quiet Kitten
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    I don't think it could be fleas since she's an only pet and has never been outside. My fear is that is some kind of condition that will need to be constantly treated. The poor thing is pulling out mouthfuls of fur!

  5. #4
    Elite Cat
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    Well, the Fleas can be on our clothes, so unortunately its very easy that an "inside" cat ist gering fleas
    claudel likes this.
    Regine with Finchen, Caruso, Daffy & Idaho

  6. #5
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    Agree with above don't discount fleas.....
    The fact that Pina was a rescue would indicate that she could quite well have had a flea burden when she was took in & if heavily infected would have been treated for the fleas but also given ab's for the wounds caused by them & the fact it is now "nearlly" the year round & as claudel has pointed out a very bad year for fleas that is what it sounds like....How you descibe it is typical FAD description,if its really bad she may need something more that straighforward flea treatments to settle it all down again.
    Being indoors is definitely not a safeguard from the little pests & if that is what it is you might find you need to have a product to use in the house as well,a trip to the vets would soon confirm if it is the pesky little jumpers or if you place her on a piece of damp white kitchen roll & brush her coat if any little black bits that fall out turn red around the edges they are flea dirts & your question would be anwsered....x
    Last edited by jckkerrison; 7th August 2012 at 10:06 AM. Reason: Spelling worse than usual...!
    Howlinbob likes this.

  7. #6
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Well we have seen the vet and the verdict was an allergy. Apparently there is something in bloom this time of year that gets to her. The vet gave her a long acting cortisone shot and said she should clear up pretty quickly. It's been a few days and she is already itching less and her appetite has returned. Now to put some weight on the little thing!!




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