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Thread: Heart Murmur

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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
    Join Date
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    Heart Murmur

    I took my kitty to be neutered a couple of days ago (it all went perfectly) and while being there I found out that he has a heart murmur :( The vet said it sounded only minor and that he could grow out of it. Does anyone have any info/advice/guidance regarding the issues?

    Also, my raggy and my maine coon used to love each other to bits, sleep together, eat together, play together etc... But since getting him home from being neutered, my raggy now seems to hate him! I thought it would stop after a few days, but it's still going on, she keeps hissing at him and trying to swipe him :( I feel so bad for him, not only has he lost his cherries, he has lost his girlfriend too! Needless to say, he is feeling very sorry for himself.

    Thanks in advance,

    Worried MC Mum xxx




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