My mainey started to develop a bad tummy around 3 days ago now, so I stopped all treats and he has been on dry food and water, instead of getting better, it seems to be getting worse. Nothing in his diet has change and he's an indoor cat! He seems to be eating way more than usual also! Any ideas what it could be?
Thanks x
We get bouts of the runs with Moonlight every few months. We've finally realised it's dry food that causes it -we've tried so many different sorts and they all end up giving her the runs after a while! Take the biscuits away as a starting point - whatever's wrong I don't think they'll be helping things
Please try boiled chicken for a day or two..It makes the condition better,not only for my coonie,but also for other kitties..
Sometimes, boiled egg also helps..
Boiled chicken with salt and a little bit turmeric(only a small amount, otherwise the smell exceeds and they wont eat it) has done magical results.I am an Indian , and turmeric has antisceptic properties.So ususally we add it to all home mae pet foods..
Hope the cutie get well soon..
(I had to wait only upto one or two feeds of the said, n he was ok within 1 and half days).
Rgds n Pats to the Coonie,
Has he been checked for worms and other parasites?
ETA - I agree with JanieB... dry food can be pretty hard on the tummy.
My Minnie seems to be allergic to lots of things in many commercial foods.
Here's the things I've found she can (and will) eat, without getting diarrhea:
home-baked coley with plain boiled rice
tuna in spring water with plain boiled rice
Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Sensitivity Control Feline (biscuits)
I've also just discovered Natures Menu cat pouches and Encore food - so far so good with these...
It's been a real struggle - she won't eat chicken
Any straightforward diarrhoea where animal seems otherwise happy inself always starve for 24 hours if you keep fueling the fire it won't go out,light diet then be it chicken or wet food as has already been pointed out dry food is actually the worst thing you can give,if appears to be off colour then get checked out.....
I have some cans of Hills Precription Diet Feline Gastrointestinal Health for when Roark has an upset tummy. It is quite bland and settles him nicely.
would agree with Jackie starve for 24 hours ( i know it sounds harsh ... ) when my boy had this it was boiled fish and rice for a few days after that luckily had no issues since
Never give a cat no food, and never give a cat rice.
When a cat have diarrhea you give him food whats good for the stomach and intestines.
And thats boild chicken, lamb heart ( raw ) ricewater no rice..only the water..because rice is a grain and from grain they get more problems.
When you give the cat no food, then he can get problems with the liver...
A dog can give you 24 hours no food never do this with a cat.
And when he have diarrhea for a few day's go to the vet.
Hiya, I'm back!
I took him off his dry food completely for a few days and just gave him chicken, this seemed to stop the diarrhea and his poos returned hard-ish. I did this for 4 days. I then decided to introduce him onto wet food, thinking the dry food would be too harsh on his stomach, as soon as I have introduced the wet food, he is back to stage 1 with Diarrhea again. Furthermore, he seems to be constantly hungry :(
I will take him to the vets on Monday and hopefully get it sorted out! Thank you for all the help, much appreciated :) xx
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