New Kitten - throwing up today, no appetite -- what to do?
A week and a half ago I rescued a 10-12 wk old Maine Coon female kitten. Took her to my Vet that day, she was give first dose of dewormer (due for last dose this week), Metronidazole (Flagyl) twice a day x 7 days for diarrhea she had, an injection of Convenia as she had an injured tail (end of it missing, some tissue dead, some pus coming from it), some subQ fluids as she was found to be 8% dehydrated. She's done super well, a real ball of energy. She's been eating like a little piggy, canned mostly.
This past week the end of her tail, which Vet though might just 'fall off' on its own, became painful to her and I took her to vet where she clipped area and lots of pus. Due to this she definitely needed surgery to remove half of her tail. She had this surgery done (Vet figured might as well spay her, too at the same time, and microchip her) on Thurs Oct 4th. She did very well following the surgery, you wouldn't even know she had surgery - bright, active, good appetite.............until today. This morning she threw up a little bit of clearish liquid. Then a few minutes later a little more. She wasn't interested in eating (last ate canned food this early morning). Her and I had a 2 hour nap in the sun :-) I woke up to her making that typical little "cry" cats make when going to throw up.......and she made the motions of throwing up but nothing came up. She's bright and active but has no interest at all in food, and I've opened about 4 different cans, nothing.
She's continued to have loose-ish poops since I rescued her, I had them do a fecal test a few days ago and it came up negative for everything (including Coccidia, worms, parasites, etc). I've been giving her FortiFlora power (probiotic) with her food the past couple of days and for the first time this morning I noted one of her poops was rather formed.
I have a cat w/ kidney disease who I give daily subQ fluids to, and Vet did tell me I could give some fluids to kitten if I ever felt she was dehydrated (I know how to assess for this). I tried giving her 50ccs of subQ fluids this afternoon but that didn't work out too well, I think most of it just leaked back out :(
Due to the long weekend here in Canada (Thanksgiving), the only place I could take her is to a 24 hr Emergency Vet Hospital. I'm surely not opposed to that but I don't want to overreact. I'm going to go out soon and buy some Fancy Feast canned as that one she seems to like above all others.
I can't think of any 'foreign object' she might have eaten, I have other indoor cats and I keep my house pretty cat-proof. Her belly at her spay site is fine and healing. The end of her tail where they amputated, it's good with stitches intact.
I'm not opposed to mixing up some canned food into a slurry and syringe feeding it to her......but if she's nauseated or something else is going on, not sure if force-feeding her is the answer except from a hydration standpoint?
What would you do?
Thank you so much