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Thread: Worried

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  1. #1
    Elite Cat
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Thanked 10 Times in 10 Posts


    Hi guys,

    Just looking for some guidance as I’ve just got back from the vets and feeling very confused, and rather worried.

    Casco has been eating less and less over the past 3 weeks. Yesterday all he managed was half a pouch of wet food and about two mouthfuls of dry. He is also beginning to feel rather boney.

    I checked inside his mouth and noticed his gums were pretty red and sore looking. Presuming it was juvenile gingivitis booked an appointment at the vets. I was expecting to be given some antibiotics and special toothpaste.

    Anyway, vet checked him over, agreed he had a bit of gingivitis but that it was common and nothing to worry about. He also said he didn’t think it would be enough to put Casco off his food. I’m bemused because I thought juvenile gingivitis was quite a big deal if left untreated?

    The vet asked me a few questions about where I got Casco from and I got the strong impression he wasn’t too keen on pedigree cat breeding/breeders. He suggested that cats who are kept in ‘colony’s’ with loads of other cats often have viruses and such like, hence he has taken a blood test. I would have thought that if Casco had any disease from the breeders it would have shown up by now? Casco is over 9 months old and we have had him for 6 months.

    He did say that Casco seems healthy enough in himself, he weighed in at 6.5kg but vet agrees he is boney.

    Sorry for the long post, I just feel really confused by the whole thing. What do you all think?




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