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Why would my MC Kitten suddenly pee & poop on my fluffy duvet? :(
Maybe I'm just real lucky but in my 25+ years of owning cats (always rescues/strays), I've never experienced any of them peeing or pooping on my bed. Unheard of in this house, even the old girls who've had major kidney disease, diabetes, etc.
I've had my MC kitten (posted about her previously) for about 4 weeks now. Initially kept her isolated in my bathroom, then moved her into my spare bedroom. After about a week of gradually exposing her to my other 5 adult indoor cats (all very sweet friendly cats), I left her roam free in the house and all has gone very well. She loves to play with them and they love to play with her. I've kept her original litterbox in my spare bedroom (but had planned tonight to get rid of it now as I want to convert that room back to my craft room) though she's been using the other cats' boxes for 3 weeks now (I have 6 litterboxes in my basement, 2 with hoods, 4 without), no problem.
I went into my bedroom this evening, into my ensuite to use it (haha)....came out and smelled this awful smell. Like cat poop. I searched everywhere. I found it.....on my expensive Crate & Barrel duvet cover that surrounds my even more expensive Pacific Coast Down Duvet. Kitten is still having sorta more loose-ish poops (though sometimes more formed so we're seeing improvement there) so it was obvious whose it was. I nearly sh*t myself! lol. Then....a foot next to it I see a dark area on the duvet cover...sure enough, it's wet.......URINE! The little fart peed and pooped on my duvet. OMG. Could it be because it's just so big and fluffy and she thought it was something to "dig into"? (I do have one cat who will occasionally pee on clean clothes I take out of the dryer, that are in a laundry basket and not yet folded, UTIs have always been ruled out....it's just that she likes the soft fluffy laundry and can "dig into it" like litter).
My feather duvet clearly says "dry clean only" but there was no way I was waiting to take to cleaners and not really sure how clean dry cleaners would get it anyway. I saturated the areas with Nature's Miracle Spray and let it sit on it for 15 minutes.....then into a hot washer with bleach. If I ruin it, so be it but I just don't feel confident that chemicals used in dry cleaning are truly going to clean pet pee/poop, maybe I'm wrong but......
I don't know what else would have suddenly made her do this. I looked all over in my bedroom and she's not done it anywhere else.
Thanks.Attachment 6465