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Thread: Weight loss during growth spurts?

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  1. #1
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    Weight loss during growth spurts?

    Hey guys,

    Just weighed Sampson (6 months almost 3 weeks old) and he goes at 7.5lb, just over a week ago he was at 8lb.

    Within that 8-9 days, he HAS gotten more longer and leaner and bulkier, but he has lost half a pound in that time frame. He's eating the same amount of food, if not a little bit more then he did 9 days ago. He is normal in terms of activity and play etc.

    Am going to donate the old litter trays to the vets on tuesday, so will ask then (and will monitor his weight) just wondering if anyone had experienced this before?


    EDIT : Just weighed him again, and he goes 7lb now? I think my scales are breaking lol oh dear...
    I weighed myself first, then weighed the cat in my arms and see the difference. 2nd try I weighed the same, but with him in my arms he lost half a pound in 20mins by just sleeping? That can't be right lol. Sorry for my paranoia
    Last edited by sbreame; 16th November 2012 at 11:51 AM.

  2. #2
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    hi Sbream - the exact same thing happened to Neevie, she seems to keep fluctuating up and down - she also seemed slimmer as she got longer, so it was hard to gage. Now she fluctuates between 5 and 5.5 kilos (according to my scale). I think most of the time the scale is just being wonky.
    Actually if someone has a good / sure way to weigh them, a brand of scales that would be accurate.... that would be great!

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alekto View Post
    hi Sbream - the exact same thing happened to Neevie, she seems to keep fluctuating up and down - she also seemed slimmer as she got longer, so it was hard to gage. Now she fluctuates between 5 and 5.5 kilos (according to my scale). I think most of the time the scale is just being wonky.
    Actually if someone has a good / sure way to weigh them, a brand of scales that would be accurate.... that would be great!

    I think the -best- way to check weight is the feel test.

    If you can easily feel the ribs = Underweight
    If you need to press a little to feel the ribs = Good weight
    If you need to press harder to feel the ribs = Over weight

    My last cat only went for a check up twice in her life, and have that regret of "if we caught the cancer early, maybe it would of been different" so now I'm a bit more wary. This is my first time owning a maine coon (well, maine coon cross, but he's like 90% coon, when he was at the vets for his shots, alot of people asked if he was a pure bred) so I'm new to their size, habbits etc

  4. #4
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    That's another joy of owning a MC,some of them have this habit of doing just as Sampson has just done,do a great growth spurt on you & loose weight at the same time as seeming to eat the same or even more{wish I could discover their secret}...... Some do loose appetite too while having a spurt but then make up for it again.
    I tend to weigh mine in exactly the same spot whenever I do it,get OH to weigh himself in first {not me as I don't like the shock}then hold the cat & I do the maths,I find if you do it all yourself & peer down that in itself changes the weight,I keep a monthly record & when I they go to vets & get a proper weigh in I then adjust the difference with mine but normally within a few grams they are exact....

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to jckkerrison For This Useful Post:

    sbreame (16th November 2012)

  6. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by jckkerrison View Post
    That's another joy of owning a MC,some of them have this habit of doing just as Sampson has just done,do a great growth spurt on you & loose weight at the same time as seeming to eat the same or even more{wish I could discover their secret}...... Some do loose appetite too while having a spurt but then make up for it again.
    I tend to weigh mine in exactly the same spot whenever I do it,get OH to weigh himself in first {not me as I don't like the shock}then hold the cat & I do the maths,I find if you do it all yourself & peer down that in itself changes the weight,I keep a monthly record & when I they go to vets & get a proper weigh in I then adjust the difference with mine but normally within a few grams they are exact....

    Yeah I'm not sure if it's him or the scales, I remember bringing him home from the vets after his first shots and tried to weigh him, he was 2.2lb at the time, but my scales didn't even start with him on it lol. He's still pretty sleepy, but tested to see if he was lethargic, found some string, and walked away with it trailing behind, sure enough he woke up within 2 seconds and chased after it. So I'm not sure if he is still having the spurt or not. I'll still weigh him every now and then, but I think I'll stick to the feel test and weigh-ins at the vet haha.

  7. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by sbreame View Post
    My last cat only went for a check up twice in her life, and have that regret of "if we caught the cancer early, maybe it would of been different" so now I'm a bit more wary. This is my first time owning a maine coon .
    Exact same thing as me! I'm absolutely not ready to have that hurt again.




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