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22nd January 2014, 06:35 AM #1
Urinary Problems-Experience or Advice
I've posted several things about Merlin's ongoing and seemingly increasing problems. I just found a pee soaked rug in the kitchen, the second such mess I've cleaned in less than 12 hours. We have four cats, but I'm 99% sure its Merlin.
I did a quick Google search for symptoms of urinary trouble in cats, and Merlin exhibits some of them, mostly peeing on cool, hard surfaces, drinking a LOT of water, and crying out before peeing. He is a shelter cat and was starving when we adopted him, was estimated to be anywhere between 10 and 15 years old, although when he is having a good day and playing with his toys I think he's closer to the 10 year old end of that.
I am calling the vet first thing in the morning.I've lost old cats to this before, although its been many years since I've had to go through this. Please pray for the best. Merlin has only just begun his recovery and he's only been with us for a month. I knew when we adopted him that time would be limited, but please don't let it be this soon....