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22nd January 2014, 06:35 AM #1
Urinary Problems-Experience or Advice
I've posted several things about Merlin's ongoing and seemingly increasing problems. I just found a pee soaked rug in the kitchen, the second such mess I've cleaned in less than 12 hours. We have four cats, but I'm 99% sure its Merlin.
I did a quick Google search for symptoms of urinary trouble in cats, and Merlin exhibits some of them, mostly peeing on cool, hard surfaces, drinking a LOT of water, and crying out before peeing. He is a shelter cat and was starving when we adopted him, was estimated to be anywhere between 10 and 15 years old, although when he is having a good day and playing with his toys I think he's closer to the 10 year old end of that.
I am calling the vet first thing in the morning.I've lost old cats to this before, although its been many years since I've had to go through this. Please pray for the best. Merlin has only just begun his recovery and he's only been with us for a month. I knew when we adopted him that time would be limited, but please don't let it be this soon....
22nd January 2014, 11:18 AM #2
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In young cats peeing in the wrong place can be behavioural but in an older cat then yes is as likely to be a medical problem, at any age if they are small & often wees it tends to point towards infection,larger pees & drinking a lot could point towards several things but in a most of cases treated early there is medication that will help so good luck on your vets visit,fingers crossed & strong get well vibes to Merlin......xxxx
22nd January 2014, 06:57 PM #3
I called the vet and apparently today is their short day and they were leaving at 11:30am. I made his appointment for 9am tomorrow morning...
His pees have been very large, big puddles of pee. I read that sometimes they will seek out cool, hard surfaces like tile if they have an infection, which Merlin has been doing on the tile floor in the basement and now on the hardwood laminate floor in the kitchen. His appetite is otherwise good, he's talkative and chirpy as usual and tried to play with Bengal girl last night (she wasn't interested LOL) He does lick himself a lot, which I also read can be a symptom.Last edited by MandyCoonie; 22nd January 2014 at 07:00 PM.
23rd January 2014, 02:21 PM #4
I decided to take Merlin to my old vet instead of waiting to take him this morning. They did full bloodwork (my goodness was that expensive!) and we should get the results today.
He was running around last night like a silly kitten and its so hard to believe he could be sick. I also had the vet look at his remaining teeth and gums since his breath always smells like garbage. There's definitely issues there but it could be a symptom of kidney disease. Either way he needs an antibiotic rinse to help with the gum inflammation.
I am very worried and not looking forward to getting his test results today :(
23rd January 2014, 03:10 PM #5
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Hi I am sorry that Merlin is not feeling well, poor boy :( I know vets are so expensive, I have insurance on Ginger through Petsmart, Banfield. I pay 30.00 a month that covered all of her baby shot and spaying. I hardly pay anthing when I take her to the vet, I am not sure if this is a option for you in Ohio. I sure like knowing she has health insurance and is covered in case I need to run her in to the vet. Bonus I get a discount on her medications too! just a thought. I am praying that all turns out well and a antibiotic clears up his peepee issues!
23rd January 2014, 08:28 PM #6
Results are in: Merlin does have kidney failure but its in the early stages. He needs a special food and Avodil to flush toxins. They still need a urine sample so I'm gonna have to isolate him with an empty box to get it. In the meantime we need to provide him a box on every floor so he doesn't have to go very far to pee. His sodium levels were also below normal and the vet said Merlin should not eat any dry kibble for any reason since he is vulnerable to dehydration.
It's good and bad news, but we will do whatever we can to help him live out the rest of his time here.
24th January 2014, 07:36 AM #7
hi there - oh no poor Merlin - for the dehydration problem, hopefully that's an idea you may be able to implement, I have resolved it with Neevie by getting her to drink on the tap. MCs are usually interested in "moving water" so it wasn't too hard, I know some people might feel it's a bit off, a cat on the counter drinking from the tap, but 1) she goes there wether I allow her or not and 2) now I know she's drinking at least. Next I'll try to get her on the water fountain this way she doesn't have to ask me to turn the tap on (hasn't worked it out yet thankfully) ...
24th January 2014, 06:38 PM #8
GREAT update! Dr did Merlin's urinalysis this morning and he's got a severe bladder infection, was given antibiotics immediately. The other vet was his assistant. Main doc does NOT think his elevated blood nitrogen is kidney failure and is a result of the infection and dehydration. We will retest in 10 days to see if the BUN Has returned to normal.
In the meantime I'm going to get a water fountain for the cats. Merlin loves our fish tank and is always hanging out on the kitchen counter because of that, so I could try running the faucet to see if he likes it! We let our cats go everywhere, even on our kitchen table LOL. They're family!
24th January 2014, 10:54 PM #9
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That is good news! you would not think so, but a dose of antibiotics and her should be back to new! I let Ginger go on the kitchen table too, but that is because I have been putting her kibble on there so the beagles don't eat it! Beagles will eat anything! hahaha It is probably gross, but she does not use a cat box so no icky feet here!
27th January 2014, 07:45 AM #10
Day 4 of antibiotics: Merlin is still crying out when he pees, just found another mess in the basement. I stupidly left the open bottle of Amoxicillin on the floor and Merlin kicked it over while I gave him a dose. So I will have to go back tomorrow to get more meds...He is otherwise okay, appetite is robust and he is even more talkative. We had a lively chat tonight while I put the groceries away (he knew I had yummies for him lol!)
I actually suspect a cat litter I recently tried as the culprit of infection. It was Arm and Hammer Ultra Last, and it's very perfume-y. I was using Cat's Pride before and that's what I bought today. I disinfected every litter box and changed the litter. I had been scooping every other day but I am going to try to commit to scooping every day from now on. We have three extra large boxes for four cats. We are considering one of those igloo boxes to have on the main floor, mostly for Merlin so he doesn't have to go up and down stairs to get to his potty.
Hoping these antibiotics start kicking in soon...