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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
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    3 month old passed away...

    Hi all,

    I hate to have to write this after not really posting, just browsing.

    Our little bundle of joy, Kiara, starting having difficulty breathing the other day and was really fatigued. Took her to the vets who advised all the signs were showing she was healthy. Woke up the next day and she seemed worse! Took her the the vets for an X-ray and it turned out that she had blood and fluid in her chest cavity, crushing her lungs and making it hard for her to breathe.. At her size the vet said there was nothing they could do and we sadly put her to sleep and buried her In the garden this evening.

    My question is: how will her sister cope now that she has gone? And has anyone heard of this fatal illness/virus before?

    Thanks for listening,





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