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Thread: Weight problem?

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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Weight problem?

    Hey there!

    I have a Maine Coon wich now is 1 year and 8 months old. His weight is not the one of a Maine Coon his age, as it is only 5.20 kilos. Above of all that, he also have a problem with his mouth, since he was born. Is like he has a permanent stomatitis. His gums are red and, occasionally, there is a little blood.
    I dont know how much a Maine Coon can eat in a month, but i think he eats normally. For example, he eats a 2 kilos pack of dry food during the estimated time wich is 33 days. He also eats food we give him almost every day.
    One of the doctors i visited, talks about a calicivirus. However, he says there are not tests to prove calicivirus.This is where his bad mouth condition comes from. He also thinks that this is the reason he doesnt gain much weight. He believes that it hurts him every time he chews the dry food, so he doesnt eat enough, or as much as he would like to. Personally, i dont think he hurts or something. Some other doctor says its not a calicivirus, but he also doesnt know what this is.

    My main question is the following. Are there any other male Maine Coons wich weighs that much in this age?
    And secondly, can someone suggest something about his mouth problem?

    Thanks a lot in advance!

    P.S. Please, be patient with my English, as i am not a native speaker.




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