Glad the dental all went well....
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Glad the dental all went well....
Hi again!
First of all, i would like to thank all of you for your answers. I'm having my cat tested next week and i hope everything will turn out to be fine.
However, i 'd like to ask something else. Since, its the first cat i have ener had, i'm not really into some basics. And the question is if a person can be infected by a cat. I mean, not only from a dental condition, like my cat's. From anything a cat can have. And lets say that a cat is fully vaccinated. I'm asking this because we all play with my cat and since he likes to bite (we never managed to make him stop this) we are always in "contact" with his mouth.
I know that my question might "sounds" naive, but i would really appreciate a responsible answer to my querry.
Thanking you in advance!
Oh what a beauty, these are the most gorgeous pictures! What's his name? I hope you can get some relief for the poor lad's mouth, and find the best way of managing it. Of course you love him to bits, it's incredible how much our pets can mean to us. Let us know what progress you make.
If a cat "bites" & breaks the skin then there is always a chance that the wound could become infected wether there is anything visibly wrong with the cats mouth or not,if it is only a case of play biting & the skin isn't broken then taking the usual precautions of washing after touching the cat should be enough.
It's quite unlikely that you can 'catch' anything. However, sometimes, it can happen (very rare) if the skin is broken and dirt/etc gets into the skin. I had a cat for 8 years who always scratched (during play). Once he scratched me and I'm assuming his claw must've been a bit dirty (maybe from litter tray, going outside etc) as I ended up with an infection that needed medical treatment and a needle. This is rare.
A proper deep cat bite can be really nasty,scratches can be painful but cleaned well except for being a bit stingy they are normally ok,but a proper bite is more serious,I don't mean just a little nip or the mouthing that our breed of cat is prone to do but a real in the flesh bite wound then it does pay to go to the doctors for antibiotic coverage,same if it is a dog. We are lucky that there are not too many things we can get from our pets,keep them well wormed,especially if there are children around I think that is the main thing,there are a few things that can transmit between people & animals but you would be very unlucky if it happened,I think in all my time working with animals I could count on one hand where something has passed from pet to owner & in fact once it was the other way round which caused a fair bit of amusement { I am talking about in the UK not sure in other countries if there are different bugs around} The joys of animal ownership & what it can teach us & our children outweigh everything else so be sensible,keep sharp on the old hygeine,teach the children to respect their pet & have lots of fun & luv on both sides.
Just wondering how we have got onto this subject via weight problems,hot day might have answered the wrong thread.....
I am still finding my way about around the site,suddenly I will find something new & wonder how I got there,great though isn't it,I was really chuffed when I learnt how to upload pictures & yet a lot come on & put photos on with their first posting,I blame my age.....
Hi there!
Its been a while since my last visit.
I only want to say that, after some treatment with Vibramycin (antibiotic) my Cats gums are showing quite an improvement. The thing is that he is still under treatment, so i dont know what is going to happen if i stop. For now, he seems better. Lets hope he stays that way.