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Thread: Weight problem?

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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Weight problem?

    Hey there!

    I have a Maine Coon wich now is 1 year and 8 months old. His weight is not the one of a Maine Coon his age, as it is only 5.20 kilos. Above of all that, he also have a problem with his mouth, since he was born. Is like he has a permanent stomatitis. His gums are red and, occasionally, there is a little blood.
    I dont know how much a Maine Coon can eat in a month, but i think he eats normally. For example, he eats a 2 kilos pack of dry food during the estimated time wich is 33 days. He also eats food we give him almost every day.
    One of the doctors i visited, talks about a calicivirus. However, he says there are not tests to prove calicivirus.This is where his bad mouth condition comes from. He also thinks that this is the reason he doesnt gain much weight. He believes that it hurts him every time he chews the dry food, so he doesnt eat enough, or as much as he would like to. Personally, i dont think he hurts or something. Some other doctor says its not a calicivirus, but he also doesnt know what this is.

    My main question is the following. Are there any other male Maine Coons wich weighs that much in this age?
    And secondly, can someone suggest something about his mouth problem?

    Thanks a lot in advance!

    P.S. Please, be patient with my English, as i am not a native speaker.

  2. #2
    Top Cat
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    Hi & welcome to the forum you could have a look here Feline Infectious Peritonitis and Coronavirus Web Site always a great help with cat problems.

    Not sure about weight our old MC only weighed 6.5/7kg he was very long in the back & tail I think they are all different, hopefully someone will be along soon with better ideas.
    Nicki &

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to Louie-Louie For This Useful Post:

    Blue Gato (12th May 2010)

  4. #3
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Τhank you very much for the reply.

    If anyone else can suggest anything, please do.

  5. #4
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    Weight problems

    Hi Blue Gato, I am sorry your poor cat has mouth problems but I wouldn't worry about his weight too much,I have a seven year old whose weight averages out at 6.20kg.He is tall & very long but just doesn't carry weight.He also has bad flare ups of gingivitis & then he drops down in weight even more,we have had him on short courses of antibiotics & very long courses of the same to see if we could get rid of it but no good.Sometimes he will carry on eating just the same but on the occasions he feels really sorry for himself we get him sachets of a food called HI Life tuna {don't know what it would be where you are} & because it is really soft he tucks in to it,we have tried him on fresh fish & chicken etc but turns his nose up & walks away,get a sachet out & he is there.I also have a supplement called Nutrigel Plus that I give him over these periods as well,don't know if it helps but I like to think it just gives him that extra bit of help while he is down.On the whole though he is a very happy slim line MC who can still get through gaps that the others can't.....

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to jckkerrison For This Useful Post:

    Blue Gato (13th May 2010)

  7. #5
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Quote Originally Posted by jckkerrison View Post
    Hi Blue Gato, I am sorry your poor cat has mouth problems but I wouldn't worry about his weight too much,I have a seven year old whose weight averages out at 6.20kg.He is tall & very long but just doesn't carry weight.He also has bad flare ups of gingivitis & then he drops down in weight even more,we have had him on short courses of antibiotics & very long courses of the same to see if we could get rid of it but no good.Sometimes he will carry on eating just the same but on the occasions he feels really sorry for himself we get him sachets of a food called HI Life tuna {don't know what it would be where you are} & because it is really soft he tucks in to it,we have tried him on fresh fish & chicken etc but turns his nose up & walks away,get a sachet out & he is there.I also have a supplement called Nutrigel Plus that I give him over these periods as well,don't know if it helps but I like to think it just gives him that extra bit of help while he is down.On the whole though he is a very happy slim line MC who can still get through gaps that the others can't.....
    I really thank you for your answer, wich, i must say, is partially relieving.
    I know that Maine Coons gain their full weight until they are 4 years old. So, i really hope he will gain some more. I cant be not afraid for a possible deterioration of his mouth condition, but for the time being, i cant do anything more. However, i have plans on visiting a third doctor during next week, or the week above that.
    Its really difficult to describe how much we love him, and we cant bare the thought of something bad happens to him.

    Here some pictures of him!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Weight problem?-dsc034061.jpg   Weight problem?-img_4346.jpg   Weight problem?-4187335419_886ac0bbe5_o.jpg  
    Last edited by Blue Gato; 13th May 2010 at 07:06 PM.

  8. #6
    Top Cat
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    Awwwwwwwwwwwwww he is purrrrrrrrrrrrfect
    Nicki &

  9. #7
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    Oh what a beauty, these are the most gorgeous pictures! What's his name? I hope you can get some relief for the poor lad's mouth, and find the best way of managing it. Of course you love him to bits, it's incredible how much our pets can mean to us. Let us know what progress you make.




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