Front line doesn't always work!
Part 2 of my scabby cat saga...
Purrdie does indeed have a flea allergy despite front line being applied about 4 weeks ago. The vet has said that some fleas are becoming resistant to front line so we are now using a different spot on. The vet only found 1 flea mind, I had checked every inch of her myself but with her fur I suppose there are plenty of places to hide! Poor Purrdie is still not happy although she has had anti biotics as well. I can bath her in 1 weeks time before the next application of spot on. Any ideas of a nice soothing shampoo I could use on her scabby skin?
Frontline doesn't always work
All types of Frontline kills fleas & ticks although it is effective against fleas for longer than it is ticks so you have to use it more reguarly if faced with ticks,a problem most of our pampered darlings don't have to worry about,the combo part puts the fleas on the pill as well so the idea being that they can't produce while dying off...thats the theory but didn't work full stop on mine,I had never ever had a flea problem with my dogs,domestic cats that used to roam or these spoilt darlings,I used Frontline every six weeks but because they were going into a cattery I put the combo on them after four weeks & done them as a precaution four weeks again after that,when I first noticed a couple of them having a bit of a scratch I didn't bother about it for a couple of days then I noticed a flea on the face of one,panic,a couple of hours on & over a 100 very live fleas later the fleas were not the only ones jumping,two of my cats had to go & have settle them down as they had reacted so badly,I changed to Stronghold & everything has been fine since,wouldn't want to go through that again.
Frontline doesn't always work
The one thing that I had trouble trying to get the Frontline rep to understand was that my cats don't get challenged either even though they go out into the garden,they can't get out other cats can't get in,because they are round the back even if a cat is in the front unless the flea hops over the bungalow they can't get in,just had an idea,perhaps I can hold a flea high jumping contest & train them up for the olympics ! Seriously though the most likely thing is I brought one home on me from work & things escalated from there,but it shouldn't have done.
Frontline doesn't always work
Gee,thanks for that idea,what is that perfume you are wearing to work today,that thought will send me smiling to get the cats their supper....
Yes Howlinbob it does only do fleas & ticks.
Frontline doesn't always work
Yes I do agree with that,but my argument with the company was that we are paying out a lot of money using their product to prevent it,if we are using it according to their recommendation & bearing in mind that when I felt it could be a bigger challange I went from six weeks to four weeks before & after,plus using combo that supposedly put flea on pill as well,it shouldn't happen if the product is working properly,I deflea all year round so no way should there have been a breakdown but there was,they couldn't blame that I was not using a high enough strength because the bigger cats were on small dog size as recommended by boss & backed by rep.when she came round a couple of years ago.
Have found that having to change product has helped in more ways than one,it eventually got rid of the flea problem with help from house spray,which I hate using,but also none of the cats mind having this one applied,before I would do one & hunt five of them,with this they all just sit there & let me go along one by one,big bonus.Now getting to bad time of year again for the little jumpers so will see how we get on over the next few weeks,fingers crossed....!
Frontline doesn't always work
Hi Antonia,one u too many I think otherwise spot on how I would spell it,mine has still got a bag with it so after every time I used it during that period I sucked up a bit of tissue with some of the housespray on it & then ditched the bag too,cost a little fortune in those as well but just glad to get rid of the little blighters...