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Well, not really any arguments... but perhaps that’s because I usually keep my trap tightly shut about ‘rear end’ business when in the company of non pet owners.
But a few weeks ago we had a friend over for drinks. He doesn’t particularly like cats – he is always very honest about that, but also polite enough to comment on how laid-back and friendly our Coonies are. However, he is mad about these little lapdogs – Maltese, I think – and seriously considering getting one. So I used some shock tactics on him. I told him about how Monty used to have diarrhoea when he was younger and I had to clean his bum and breeches daily with a cloth soaked in water and baby soap. He went somewhat green around the nose and I could see him thinking: “Eeewwww!”
Of course, I told him that once you have animals of your own, nothing grosses you out. Not sure if it reassured him though.:devil: