Thanks for the suggestion Wendy. But I've already tried Bozita. The girls were OK with it, but poor Monty had persistent diarrhoea on it. :sad2:
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Thanks for the suggestion Wendy. But I've already tried Bozita. The girls were OK with it, but poor Monty had persistent diarrhoea on it. :sad2:
Just when I thought Monty was doing so well! BANG... this morning he was constantly in and out of the litter box again! Obviously agitated and peeing only a few blood-stained drops.
Phoned the vet. The she-vet was on duty and said: “Out of the cat comes pee, however little, and into the cat goes medicine… so right now there isn’t much I can do. If he doesn’t get better over the weekend, come back Monday and we’ll do an X-ray to see if he has a stone. In the meantime, keep up the meds and give him all he can drink.”
Which we’re doing right now. Luckily the local supermarket has canned tuna on offer, so hubby returned with a big shopping bag full of cans. (I’ll have to find some new tuna recipes for us.) And we got a new drinking fountain. We’ll just take the slime cleaning for granted. All three Coonies were fascinated when we plugged it in, but they haven’t drunk from it yet.
Thankfully Montyman acts his normal cheerful self, the only time he appears uncomfortable is when in the litter box. Right now he’s in front of the telly with little Minnie watching a cat DVD. You'd think there was nothing wrong with him.
But I am feeling very gloomy. And concerned. Why did his symptoms return?
I am not easy with this.:sad2:
Oh dear poor Monty! Just when you thought things were improving. I hope he picks up over the weekend. At this rate it looks like an X-ray on Monday. But at least El Monto is himself, so try not to be too down! xx
I would have thought the least she could have done was just had Monty in to check his bladder even if she then said there was nothing to worry about & see how things went over the weekend.Is there a surgery tomorrow morning where you go if so if he hasn't had a good pee by then I think I would get him checked again even more so if there is still blood,if you do have to go just ask them for a syringe & get them to show you how to give fluids in the mouth,could be that he does need a good fluid intake to flush everything through,our vet always automatically gives clients who have cats with cystitis a syringe & tell them how much fluid he wants them to try & get in the first day to help,thing is if you are going to be putting it in you want to be sure it is coming out.....
Really sorry to hear he's still struggling, especially as it was looking so promising. No wonder you're feeling gloomy but take heart by the fact that he's okay in himself, that must be a good sign. I think Jackie's right about the vets tomorrow if it's an option, and if you can pop him let us know how it goes. Will be thinking of you and Monty.
Hello all, thanks once more for your advice and sympathy. I really appreciate it.
El Monto still acts like he’s fine. Yesterday evening, while hubby was scooping out one of the litter boxes, Monty jumped in (they all do that over here, they have no shame) and produced a pee the size of a walnut. Still not much but rather more than earlier on. And this morning he hasn’t been nervously going to an fro the litter box… so we are keeping our fingers crossed.
He eats well and drinks like a fish from the tuna-tin water. He is curious and playful as always, pushing open and shut every door in the house, following me into the bathroom and attacking the shower curtain while I’m showering, chasing and catching the clothes I’m trying to put on… in short, the normal daily Monty-routine.:LOL:
@Jackie – There is a backup surgery nearby for emergencies during the weekend, so if needed we can always bring him in. But the way things are looking now I don’t think it is necessary. I have thought about using a syringe – we have one in the house. But I want to keep Monty’s stress levels as low as possible… I have read a couple of times that stress can aggravate cystitis. Don’t know how reliable that information is, but I’d rather take no chances.
@Candes – Thanks for the tip about the antibiotic. I looked it up… it is broad-spectrum.
The vet told us about the signs of a blockage: lethargy, going off his food, etc. If that happens we’ll have to rush him to the emergency clinic. But as long as he is not showing any of these signs I don’t want to break up his daily routine and put him through the stress of yet another car ride and another examination by an unfamiliar vet.
Again, many thanks for your interest. I’ll keep you posted.
I thought about Monty several times at work this morning especially with the ones that had been seen in the last few days & were not due in again until next week but the owners were worried about leaving them until then,a couple were false alarms but one wasn't & thats the one it is all about. I know stress can cause cystitis but also you have to get a good flow of fluid through to clean the bladder plus make it start wanting to work properly again,I still wonder if Monty had got a good fluid imput through in the first place
wether it would have helped him more,its the same as with us,if you get cystitis it is fluid,fluid & more fluid,something had already caused it so I don't think putting fluid in by syringe would have caused too much problem,as long as you put it into the side of the mouth gradually they normally take it quite easily.The thing that did worry me more was what Candes put in her post,if there is a blockage then you must not overfill the bladder.
The fact that he is happy in himself is a good sign & hopefully when he gets a good bladder full of fluid there will be a super big pee & we will hear the cheer right over here....
So you think using the syringe wouldn't stress him out all that much? If so, I'll certainly give it a go.
That's why we're watching him like hawks. At the slightest sign of distress, it's off to the emergency vet with him.
If you face his head away from put your spare hand acroos his head & ears & then gently squirt the fluid into the side of his mouth,the syringe goes in through the gap in his teeth & going at that angle he will swallow as it goes in,never give it straight into the front,give it a go,if he does stress then you can stop straight away,I think it is being firm but kind when you hold them that gives you the edge,if you hesitate you are lost,as the saying goes....
I don't know of a higher problem within male MC's but no doubt someone will pop up with some facts & figures,also do not know of any nutered related male problems within the breed.Like a lot of things I think this is a "Chicken versus the egg"situation & you are very often left wondering the what ifs.....