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    Elite Cat
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    Yellow Ear discharge/crustyness (update op)

    Darcy has a lot of allergies and i'm pretty sure she's got an ear infection. Her ear is having lots of yellow discharge and she's shaking her head tons. Can't get her into a vet till Monday. Will it hurt her to wipe down her ear?

    Hi everyone!! Found a vet open late and got Darcy in tonight. She's got an upper respiratory infection and her ears have fluid on them. That caused her to scratch and dig at her ears and it's an infection on the outside of her ears. No fever but she's on an antibiotic for 10 days and ear drops for a while.

    The vet said that because she's got allergies it causes her to get infections easily. We rescued a kitten and brought him home and it's likely he brought home an infection.

    She's very happy with how sleek Darcy is. She said that Darcy is long but doesn't have huge bones so her ideal weight the vet wants to see her at is 10-12 lbs Darcy is 10.5
    Last edited by MyNewbabyDarcy; 2nd November 2010 at 03:01 AM. Reason: update




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