Lads booked in for Friday...
The time has come for the lads to be neutered, so I've booked them in at the vets this Friday (remember remember, the 5th of November!)
I have followed with great interest the thread about when to neuter, and we certainly favoured leaving it for as long as possible so that they have a chance of fully developing. But yesterday we were re-plastering a ceiling upstairs and Larry came in and weed on the dust sheet, right in front of us as we were working. I thought, uh-oh, he's never done this before, could it be time. He really picked his moment, as we were working fast before the plaster dried and trying not to make too much mess. So I had to gather up the dust sheet and chuck it away, and grab another one and spread it out in double-quick time. Couldn't attend to the stinky smell until the plaster was up. Luckily I was able to get rid of it with Urine-off. :pissed:
I was talking to our breeder this morning and she said, yes do get them done. Larry is showing his 'teenage' hormones and could be scent-marking to compete with his brother. We don't want him to make a habit of this - apart from the smell it could affect the lovely relationship he has with Monty at the moment, and that would be a disaster.
A slight complication is that I've entered Monty into a cat show as a male adult, so I'll have to contact the show manager today to see if I can change him over to the neuter classes! The closing date is tomorrow (yikes!) so hopefully I can do it in the nick of time....
Lads booked in for Friday
Thing is you can't 100% be sure it will be effective straight away,if it is due to him trying to be top cat he isn't going to come home & think my balls are gone so now no more peeing where I shouldn't.....If you can hopefully,fingers crossed & everything else,stop him peeing anywhere other than tray for next few days then most probaly you will be home & dry {sorry} It is just annoying when you are not sure what the cause is,we are presuming its him pulling rank,but....
Could you try putting extra trays somewhere for a couple of days,did Monty do a stinky poo or something that made Larry not want to use tray & now because of doing what he is & rightly not getting wrong but getting extra attention does he think this is great so why not give it another go.
Will be watching posts with interest.
Lads booked in for Friday
Last day of my "At home" hols tomorrow & I have to go out for the afternoon but will fire up as soon as I get in for latest news on all those poor pussies,looks like a fair amount of MC parents will not be sleeping too well tonight.
I have just enjoyed having lots of extra time with my six this week & am dreading back to work on Monday,as from Saturday I could officially retire,could be very tempting...
Good luck everyone will think of you all in the morning....
Lads booked in for Friday
Thats the news I have been waiting for....
I am surprised they gave you collars to put on because with the boys there are not any
sutures to worry about,don't think I have ever known us to hand one out for a boy cat,as you have already found out they normally hate them,even when it is an essential part of attire.
Swelling should go down,with "bigger lads"they can go home looking as if something has been left behind but just keep an eye,which I am sure you will !
Strange Monty being the quiter one now yet he was the most laid back when you took them in,tell him to request peace & quiet from his mate Larry for a little while.
Luv & cuddles to them both from us here x