scared of being picked up
Hello from Ontario! As I said when I introduced myself in another post, we adopted a Maine Coon a month ago. She is a delight, but does have behaviour issues we would like to work with her. We can finally pet her and brush her, and she comes to us once in a while. She has her own room, but is free to roam the house.She had been in a cage at the humane society for several months.
Our issues where would would need advice are these;
1) She does not let her be picked up. She goes crazy as soon as your hands get close to her stomach. And if I gently pick her up to be groomed, she gets really scared and wants to be put down.
2) Nobody can touch her paws. She is really unconfortable with that.
Opinions in my family vary...I think she was wild (no info on background) or neglected (very thin and protective of her food). My husband thinks she was thrown and hit (she is also scared of feet). Any advices on steps on making her at least calmer on these issues? She is a wonderful cat, and I love her very much.But trips to the vet are difficult, and she wants to be on our laps; she comes and pushes my hand to be petted now. But something blocks her from lettting go....Help?
Scared of being picked up
I agree with NCarver,don't try to rush the situation,play on the strengths,our fist MC a retired breeding queen was hard work,she hadn't been badly treated or anything like that but she was a law unto herself,she didn't like being picked up & held, she was hard to groom,didn't like her tummy being touched , hated having her nails clipped & what she wanted she expected to have & got really stroppy if not allowed to do it but over time she came round to be the most loving girl who now climbs up & puts her arms around your neck, cuddles for England & you can do what you like with her,she is the easiest of all of mine to get tablets down.I do think they need to have guidelines to adhere too because if they don't realise what they are doing is unacceptable then you can't move forward but any negatives can be turned & love & patience will win over & one day you will be able to pick her up.We have two that would be on your lap for cuddles all day{the girl being one of them}one who has his times that he expects to be able to use your lap,two who occasionally will lay there all night but then for the next few weeks are not interested & one that will only lay beside you,so as NCarver says they are all different but in their own way still show their luv for you,even if that means play,play,play instead of cuddles.
We very often look back & say what hard work she was over the frist year to eighteen months but wouldn't have changed any of it & look forward to your posting saying the same thing....x