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  1. #1
    Top Cat
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    North London, UK
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    Vet recommendations (North London)

    Even though I have 10 weeks or so to go before my new arrivals, the "shopping list" is taking up too much of my mind.

    One thing on the list is to find a new and long term vet. With my moggies I started with a local vet (a hundred yards away) but got the feeling he was more of a "dog" vet and so moved onto the local Medivet in Finchley. While the staff and care were fine I always felt like I was being ripped off - no pricelists (as actually required by some law or another for at least medicines), too many queries about line items etc. I recall a programme on TV about them as a chain which I did not watch, but the gist of it was they were in it for the money.

    My housemate recommends a cat specialist vets near Camden that her family has used for years but that might be far away and impossible to park nearby.

    Can anyone recommend a MC friendly, knowledgeable and honest vet somewhere in North London ? Anywhere from Harrow in the West through to Southgate or so in the East. I drive, so distance is not a problem - except in emergencies possibly.




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