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Thread: Dirty Rear End?

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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Dirty Rear End?

    My MC doesn't like to bathe herself very much, and she pretty much doesn't bathe her back end at all. My vet thinks that she's not agile enough, but I've seen her do it, so I know she can. She's only 6, so not an old lady yet (really, I think she's just too lazy). She will tolerate me bathing her, but it seems it's disgusting again the next day.

    She has four giant litter pans, but she pretty much only wants to use the tiny litter pan that our elderly cat uses (and she's found numerous ways to sneak in there and use it). We actually put puppy pads down around that one because both of them will get their front paws in it and go without their back ends in it - the Maine because she just doesn't understand she's not a tiny kitty, and the elderly cat because she can't see hardly at all.

    Anyone have any ideas on how to encourage her to bathe herself, or else to keep her cleaned up?




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